New Warriors Nav:

Real Name: Christopher "Chris" Bradley
Aliases: "Maverick"
Identity: Secret
Occupation: None
Citizenship: American Citizen, with no known criminal record.
Place of Birth: Unknown
Known Relatives: Uknown Mother and Father.
Group Affiliation: Formerly a member of the New Warriors
First Appearance: X-Men Unlimited #8 (1995)
Final Appearance: Weapon X #21 (2004)
Chris's mutant powers manifested one day at school. He was contacted by Iceman of the X-Men. Chris also learned he had contracted the Legacy Virus. Although intially unsure of himself and his life, Chris decided to put his powers to good use.
He joined the New Warriors as Bolt, in hopes of making something of his life. As a member of the New Warriors, Bolt had worked closely with the team. However, it was in Namorita that Bolt had found a special friendship. She had been the only one of the New Warriors, he had confessed having the Legacy Virus to.
He also later found himself working with Maverick, a fellow mutant and Legacy Virus sufferer. The virus was cured through the actions of Colossus (Piotr Rasputin). However one day Nord mysteriously disappeared. Chris took up his equipment and the name of Maverick. While working with several other mutants as part of an 'underground' trying to free the captured Neverland prisoners, Chris as Maverick ran into Agent Zero... his former mentor now a loyal agent of the Weapon X Program. Chris tried to deal with Zero but was killed.
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 138 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Bolt could generate and manipulate electricity.
Accessories: None
Note: He used Nord's weapons and armor while acting as Maverick.