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Real Name: Christopher Powell
Aliases: The Powell
Identity: Secret
Occupation: High School Graduate, Unknown
Citizenship: American Citizen, with no known criminal record.
Place of Birth: New York City, New York
Known Relatives: Michael Powell (father), Grace Powell (mother), Jonathon Powell (brother), Jason Powell (brother)
Group Affiliation: Formerly a member of the New Warriors, Avengers (West Coast), Excelsior, Loners
First Appearance: Darkhawk #1
Christopher Powell was a young boy in High School, and his father was an officer of the law. But when Christopher Powell began to wonder what it was his father was really doing, it led to him sneaking out and following his father.
While doing so, Christopher Powell witnessed what appeared to be his father proving to be a “dirty cop.” When the criminals turned on him, Christopher broke out from his hiding place and tried to buy his father some time. When the criminals gave chase, Christopher Powell stumbled across a glowing item and upon grabbing it – found himself transformed into Darkhawk.
As Darkhawk, Christopher Powell found himself repeatedly running into Spider-Man and foes typically associated with Spider-Man, for example: Hobgoblin (numerous times), Venom (several times), Tombstone, among others.
But it’s not to say that as Darkhawk he did not run into his own “set of villains” such as: Savage Steel, Portal, Lodestone, Peristrike Force, as well as Evilhawk (Overhawk).
As Darkhawk, Christopher Powell also found himself as a part time member of the New Warriors as well as the West Coast Avengers, and even more recently as a part of a team called Excelsior.
As Darkhawk, Christopher eventually learned that the source of his power had come from a living vessel in deep space, where his and other Darkhawk bodies were stored and repaired. When Chris was Darkhawk, his human body was stored in the ship in the android’s place. Upon making this discovery, Christopher unlocked the ability to transform into an “updated” version which allowed for a variety of new powers.
Although, after the conclusion of his own series, Darkhawk has been seen once again in armor resembling his original look.
During his time with Excelsior, Christopher in Darkhawk form has been shown to have a difficult time controlling his anger at times, which led to a brief skirmish between him and former New Warrior teammate, Turbo. However, during a battle with Ultron, it was Darkhawk and his “darkforce blast” at point blank range which had sundered the enigmatic Ultron to pieces.
Darkhawk is still currently an active member of Loners.
During his time with the Loners, Chris developed a romantic relationship with Mickey (Turbo).
Height: 6'2 (6’5 as Darkhawk)
Weight: 185 lbs (210 lbs as Darkhawk)
Eyes: Brown (None as Darkhawk/Red Visor)
Hair: Brown (None as Darkhawk)
Powers: In his original armored form, Darkhawk's powers included: a darkforce blast which came from the amulet in the chest; a small energy shield from the same source; a grappling claw on one arm; retractable gliding wings and night vision. For yet, unexplained reasons, when Darkhawk removes his helmet (in Darkhawk form), whatever appearance his face has is enough to horrify himself – and enemies, a trick he has used to stun someone, when he needed an edge. When the android body was damaged, he could heal it almost instantly by transforming into his human form, and then back into his android form again. While in his original Darkhawk armor, he was capable of gliding through the air, he later gained the power of flight.
Accessories: Darkhawk Amulet (which transforms him to Darkhawk)
Note: Without the amulet, Christopher Powell is unable to turn into Darkhawk.