New Warriors Nav:

Real Name: Carlton LaFroyge
Aliases: None
Identity: Secret
Occupation: Occupation unknown, former tactital advisor for New Warriors
Citizenship: United States Citizen
Place of Birth: Unknown
Known Relatives: Unnamed Mother
Group Affiliation: former New Warriors strategist
First Appearance: (As Carlton) New Warriors Annual # 3, (As Hinsight Lad) New Warriors # 37, (Hindsight) New Warriors #60
During the Forces of Darkness storyline in the New Warriors, the apartment building in which Carlton and Robbie lived as neighbours was taken over by the Darkforce. While trying to help his neighbours, Carl stumbled across a scrapbook identifying Robbie as Speedball. An avid fan of super-heroes, he promised Robbie he would not reveal his secret if he was allowed to join the team, as a non-powered assistant. Robbie, and the Warriors, grudgingly agreed, but mostly ignored Hinsight's help.
Hindsight Lad and the New New WarriorsHowever, this changed during the Time and Time Again storyline, in which the core members of the team are kidnapped and displaced through time by the Sphinx. With the regulars MIA, Carlton, with the aid of Bandit (New Warrior Silhouette's boyfriend), brought together a replacement team of New New Warriors. During this mission, Hindsight Lad would go on actual field duty with the team, even devising a method for Alex Power to transport the team to Egypt. After the events of this book, the roster underwent some scrutiny by sometime team leader Night Thrasher, and he determined that Hindsight Lad proved to be a valuable strategist/analist.
After this, Carlton took on a much more active role on the team, helping decode messages and working general strategy. He eventually dropped the "Lad" off his name, and redesigned his outfit because he felt it was time he "matured." At one point, Carlton broke into the secret HYDRA base operating underneath Warriors headquarters, but he outsmarted the Pearl Sect (a rag-tag team of ex-HYDRA officers at best) and with the aid of the Warriors defeated them.
He also caused some trouble for the team when he used Avengers funds, and fudged a few order forms in order to get new costumes for both himself and Justice, a hero outfit for Timeslip, and Warriors comm-badges. The Avengers hunted down "Mr H. Lad," but after the misunderstanding was cleared up, Captain America agreed to let Justice and his team keep the new materials. The last Hindsight was seen, he had been offered to share the Turbo armour with Mickey Musashi, but this has never been followed up on.
After the Stamford tradegy that left many of the New Warriors dead, and 600 innocent people (including children) dead, Carlton turned on the New Warriors and began revealing who they were. Carlton was discovered and captured by Justice, Rage and She-Hulk.
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 147 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Accessories: None
Note: Expert strategist, computer wiz.