New Warriors Nav:

Real Name: Miranda Leevald
Aliases: X-Stacy, Stacy-X
Identity: Secret
Occupation: Former Prostitute
Citizenship: American Citizen With No Known Criminal Record
Place of Birth: Unknown
Known Relatives: Unknown
Group Affiliation: Formerly X-Ranch, X-Men, Currently New Warriors
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #399
At the young age of sixteen, Miranda's mutant ability developed. Not only was she able to exude pheromones and "see" people's emotions based on their own pheromone release - something else happened. Miranda's skin took on the appearance of that of a snakes - breaking out into tiny scales.
With this physical mutation, Miranda was exiled and hated - and quickly ended up homeless and on the streets. It was here that she learned to survive by using her mutant power to release pheromones, and turned to prostitution. She was soon found by Madame Drache who ran the Nevada based X-Ranch.
Miranda, who had adopted the name X-Stacy, though frequently called Stacy-X instead, was there when the anti-mutant group, Friends of Humanity had showed up to burn the place to the ground. The X-Men had arrived and rescued her; and she joined the X-Men shortly there after. (It's speculated that perhaps she may have even used her powers - fearing that she would be homeless again, to "work" her way into the X-Men)! She attempted to seduce both Archangel and Nightcrawler, failing both times.
After a large disagreement with Husk (noting Husk's emotions by her pheromone release) over Archangel - Miranda decided to leave the X-Men and return to the streets.
However, after the events of M-Day, in which the Scarlet Witch altered reality by muttering the words, "No more mutants!" - Miranda had been one of the many mutants across the world who suddenly found that they had no powers. The blessing to this, however, was that Miranda also lost her snake-like skin appearance.
But after years of knowing nothing but prostitution - and suddenly discovering that all of her high paying clients were no longer satisfied by her - Miranda found herself homeless once again, until one day approached by someone claiming to be Night Thrasher, and offering her a chance to be someone again - and to do the right thing.
Miranda joined and adopted the name Ripcord, and became a member of the New Warriors.
Early in this newly formed team of “New Warriors” the team suffers a casualty when Longstrike, Phaser’s sister is killed. Night Thrasher is hard on the New Warriors and tells them that this is a war, and there will be casualties.
Sometime later, at the Appalachian Safehouse, Night Thrasher finds that the entire area is undisturbed. He had hoped that if Dwayne were still alive he would be hiding here. He does however, managed to snag some of Dwayne’s DNA for testing. As he exits the house however, he discovers he’s not alone and is confronted by Counter Force which consists of: Justice, Rage, Debrii, Slapstick and two of the Scarlet Spiders.
Both Rage and Justice try to talk to Night Thrasher but he refuses to discuss it with them and a fight breaks out – and just when it seems like Night Thrasher’s been captured – the arrival of the New Warriors tips the balance once more.
Throughout the fight Night Thrasher is thinking about how Justice and the rest of Counter Force think he’s a Skrull – while he’s wondering if it was Skrull who perished at Stamford, not his own half-brother. As the fight processes, Night Thrasher realizes that this has to end quickly.
He decides to stop the fight and unveil who he is. He explains his actions about looking for the truth about Dwayne – and whether he would ever take part of some reality television show as a part of the “New Warriors.” Justice steps up and informs Donyell that he can help – because he knows the location of Dwayne’s body.
The New Warriors, along with Counter Force, arrive at the Helicarrier only to find it under attack by Skrulls. The New Warriors and Counter Force get out of the plane as Night Thrasher crashes it into one of the Skrull ships. After that, they follow Justice onto the Helicarrier and begin helping the S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents against the Skrulls.
As the New Warriors and Counter Force battle the Skrulls, Night Thrasher grabs Justice and enables “ghost mode” – allowing them to phrase through the floor. The others continue to battle the Skrulls – and just when it seems like they might be doing all right – the arrival of a Super Skrull, looking a lot like Nova, appears and tilts the odds back in favor of the Skrulls.
Meanhile Justice leads Night Thrasher to the bodies of what appears to be Dwayne and Microbe, with Nita’s ashes in a jar. Night Thrasher takes a sample from Dwayne’s body and begins the DNA comparison. All three turn out to be positive identifications – proving that the Dwayne, Namorita and Microbe did indeed die at Stamford. Night Thrasher turns to Justice and explains, he’s taking the remains with him. Justice, after a brief pause, agrees to help.
They bury the New Warriors and create a memorial plaque for Dwayne, Namorita and Zachary.
Later, the New Warriors burst in through the roof and the Dread Dealers are subjected to Pym Particles and reduced in size.
Their victory is short lived however, with the sudden appearance of Sykes, Givens and the New Warriors Task Force. The New Warriors make a break for it – but Blackwing, who is carrying Night Thrasher gets tagged and the two crash to the ground. Panicking, Tempest screams out and doesn’t see the net shot at her – Wondra tries to push her out of the way but gets snagged.
One of the New Warriors Task Force members fires a shot – but Ripcord kicks him at the last moment. The shot hits the flame tank of another New Warriors Task Force member – and Ripcord stops to try and help him. Skybolt seeing that the tank is about to explode tries to get to Ripcord – he manages to grab her and start flying away – but the tank explodes, causing a blinding flash. Night Thrasher gets the other New Warriors together, and they quickly make their escape – unsure of the fate of both Skybolt and Ripcord. They later learn that both perished in the fire.
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 160 lbs.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
As Stacy-X, Miranda was able to exude pheromones that caused great pleasure, or even great sickness in the people she was affecting. Miranda also developed the ability to "see" or "read" a person's emotions, based on the amount of pheromones their body was emitting. A down side to this was that Miranda's body had developed snake-like skin scales. Her skin was returned to normal, and her powers were lost, after the events of M-Day.
Ripcord wears armor that allows her to emulate those powers used by Constrictor, with coils that she is able to control.