Throw Back Thursday! #TBT

So Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites have adopted this “Throwback Thursday” (or #TBT) thing! Well while cleaning off the hard drive, I found all the old banners I once used when this site was hosted on Geocites! Ready?

One of the very first banners:

Other banners made way, way, way back then… Using puns quite frequently, it seems…

I am amused that you can see this was made over the Firestar one…

You can see them layered…

Pretty flashy banners, right?

This was used as a button to email me.

This replaced the banner on Valentine’s Day

When I tried to get fancy with the banners…

One of the last banners when I was using Geocities…



This was used as a banner after Volume 2 had started:

Christmas after Volume 2:

This was used to save the New Warriors back then…

This was used in a campaign to bring back the New Warriors!

This was used as a button to join the New Warriors eGroup (later, Yahoo Group)

This was used to link to various Nova related sites.

This was made after Civil War started, intentionally using the characters impacted from the New Warriors:

This was the first banner used when was born.

This was used as a banner from time to time (I tried to use it for banner exchanges)

The Halloween Banner:

Saint Patrick’s Day:

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