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The issue starts with Power Pack using Friday to track down where Marrina of Alpha Flight went, since she was in pursuit of the Xanthian Boulder Crusher, Snake Eyes. Beneath the sea, Power Pack is awed by how different life is and take a moment to swim with dolphins before they’re attacked by sharks. It isn’t long before Marrina shows up and uses a waterspout tornado to throw the sharks miles away.
With the water safe, Julie rides on the back of a dolphin, but emerges from the water screaming, telling Friday to take off because Snake Eyes is right beneath them; but it’s too late, and Snake Eyes surfaces toppling the Smartship and throwing everyone resting upon it, into the water. They try to use music to sooth the serpent, but can’t find the right notes, and are forced to attack it, which causes it to escape into the depths of the ocean again. They dive into the ocean and locate an old, World War II passenger ship with a large hole on its side. Marrina uses her ability to secrete a toxin that causes blindness, but that causes the serpent to thrash even more than ever before. Alex is forced to save her, as she is rendered unconscious after blinding the serpent.
Alex levitates the giant ship to the surface of the ocean, and attaches the front to the Smartship, Friday, who hauls the ship, slowly but surly to the Arctic, where the frigid weather will keep the Xanthian Boulder Crusher in hibernation and away from civilization.