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The issue begins with a male bully and several of his friends harassing a girl named Rebecca Littlehale for wearing sunglasses. They tease her that she’s a mutant or maybe a vampire and rip off her sunglasses to see her eyes sparkle; then a flash and she’s gone!
The scene switches to the Power’s home, where they are cleaning the house. When the phone rings, they all rush to answer it – but it’s Alex who answers the phone. The person on the other side simply says, “I know who you are and what you do.” Then hangs up. Their father walks in asking who was on the phone, and Alex says it was nobody because they had hung up.
The scene shifts to Rebecca who suddenly appears high up on the Brooklyn Bridge. Officers spot her and pull over and tell her that they will help her get down. The Officers begin to help her down, but she sees a light at the top of a skyscraper; and ends up teleporting to the top of the tower uncontrollably.
In the Power’s home, Jack uses a flashlight to look outside, with the stormy sky; and suddenly Rebecca teleports to stand on their window sill. They pull her inside the house and Rebecca explains that every time she sees a light source, she teleports to that location uncontrollably. She explains she’s from Brooklyn, and looks outside and sees a source of light and teleports there – again uncontrollably and ends up on the stage of a talk show.
Back at the Power house; the kids all agree that they have to find and help Rebecca, and that Alex can disintegrate things to generate light, to try and get her to teleport to him. They leave a note for their mother and father, finally confessing that they have powers, and that they have gone to go help Rebecca.
Alex shoots off a energized ball; which Rebecca sees and is teleported to the sky. The Power Pack kids grab her and give her some sunglasses. They deliver her home, where there are police. Rebecca turns to face Power Pack to thank them, but they’re gone.
Power Pack returns home and discovers their parents are still sleeping and never saw the note. They debate talking about telling their parents tomorrow…