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Real Name: Archibald “Arch” Dyker
Aliases: The Deadly Diamondhead, The Red Skull (childhood play acting guide)
Identity: Known to authorities
Occupation: Former boxer, criminal
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen with a criminal record
Place of Birth: Unknown
Known Relatives: Erin Dyker (Wife)
Group Affiliation: Terrible Trio, Champion of Xandar
First Appearance: Nova (Volume) #3
History: As a troubled teen, Archibald found himself getting into fights frequently and turning to a life of crime. His fighting skill eventually got him noticed as he entered the boxing world; and eventually became a Golden Gloves boxing champion. But that wasn’t enough for Archibald, who eventually turned to a life of crime.
During a break in into the South Hampton Science Institute to steal some precious gems, Archibald had accidentally triggered a diamond-powered laser that struck him; and changed him forever – making his entire body composed of diamond hard skin, super strength and durability. He adopted the name Diamondhead.
Sometime later, after a successful heist, Diamondhead met Condor who convinced him to join his organization which was out to stop a great threat to all the world, The Sphinx. Together, with Powerhouse, Condor and Diamondhead captured Nova and brainwashed him. They fought against the Sphinx, but quickly lost.
Diamondhead would find himself, as a loose ally to Nova, when it came to fighting the Sphinx again, when Nova had recruited him, Condoro, and Powerhouse in order to stop the invasion of Xandar by the Skrulls, which they had managed to successfully do. The Space Knight, ROM, would eventually encounter this team – now calling themselves the Champions of Xandar (which now also included Protector, Comet and Crimebuster) in yet another battle against the Skrulls; however, this time Diamondhead betrayed the team which resulted in the death of Crimebuster, and shunting Comet and the others to another dimension. Nova confronted Diamondhead, and defeated him; but in doing so had killed several Skrulls in the process, which traumatized Nova, who returned to Earth and Diamondhead found himself locked away in a Xandarian prison for his crimes.
He was then captured by The Stranger, who observed him, until freed by the Overmind. How he’d survived the attack by Nebula on Xandar, which decimated its population remains unknown, as he’s next seen on a planet owned by The Stranger. He, along with several other Earth bound heroes and villains, rebelled when Quasar attacked, allowing them all to escape back to Earth.
After the events of Civil War, Diamondhead tried to get his revenge on Nova; but Nova had grown significantly in power and easily defeated him.
Diamondhead would resurface, yet again, this time attacking Sam Alexander, who was holding the Nova name at the time. Though Diamondhead was able to initially defeat the inexperienced Nova (at the time), Sam was resourceful enough to turn the tables, and blinded Diamondhead, leaving him stranded on a high plateau in the middle of the Arizona desert.
Diamondhead’s wife, Erin Dyker was kidnapped due to her connection to Arch. Porcupine’s (ex)-wife Olivia mistook Spider-Woman for Erin, expecting her to show up the following day. Erin has only been mentioned and never seen, as of yet.
Height: 6’0
Weight: 829 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black (as Dyker), None (as Diamondhead)
Skin: Made out of diamond
Powers: Diamondhead possess superhuman strength and durability. He’s also able to regenerate shattered portions of his body. He has incredible speed, despite being made of solid diamond. His solid diamond form allows him to survive in conditions that are devoid of air. The extent of this duration remains unknown. He also gained super human strength allowing him to lift 45 tons and no longer requires food, water, oxygen, and can survive in a vacuum.