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The issue opens up so that it seems like Erg, of the Morlocks is attacking Katie Power; but it turns out to be a playful exchange, and after it’s done, Katie invites several of the Morlocks to Thanksgiving. Katie then meets up with Julie; and together they take off discussing the Thanksgiving Parade, and how they want to make sure they see the Mighty Mouse balloon, because that was always their mother’s favorite. (Margaret Power is currently in a coma, after receiving a head injury from Kurse; see last issue).
The scene shifts and we see Beta Ray Bill carrying Franklin Richards (son of Reed & Sue Richards, of the Fantastic Four). They land in the park, and Beta Ray Bill strikes Stormbreaker (his magically enhanced hammer) upon the ground which allows him to switch to his more human looking self, a Korbinite alien. With a hat on his head, he places Franklin on his shoulders so that he can see over the people gathered around.
Back at the Power’s home, Jack asks Alex why he’s in such a foul mood, and Alex explains that they have nothing to be thankful for (lashing out in anger, about his mother still being in a coma). Their father comes in the room and explains that he feels bad for leaving the kids on Thanksgiving Day, but he wants to spend the time at the hospital and speak with their mother, to see if he can help bring her out of a coma.
The scene does a quick look to Cloak and Dagger who attempt to stop a thief robbing a homeless, drunk man in an alley; Cloak let’s the man go because of his stuttering, which reminds him of himself. They then teleport to the roof of a nearby building where they’re able to observe and appreciate the approaching Thanksgiving Parade.
The scene switches again, this time to the Morlocks, where we see Anna-Lee cooking food; and she smacks Leech, and tells him that he’s useless and has no point in being being alive, when her own children had to die. She goes on verbally abusing him, calling him a monster, and useless, before she locks him inside a cabinet and leaves without him.
Back at the Power’s house, the phone rings and Katie ensures she answers it; and speaks to someone named “Kitty” who says they will be over after the parade. That Kitty happens to be none other than Kitty (Katherine) Pryde of the X-Men (better known as Shadowcat) and with her, is none other than Logan (better known as Wolverine) of the X-Men.
Back at the Morlocks, the Morlock named Ape hears pounding and opens the cabinet, where Leech goes running out chasing after Anna-Lee.
Back to the Power’s house, the phone rings again, this time Alex shoves Katie and answers it and discovers she’s made plans for a big Thanksgiving Party behind their backs. Katie explains with their mother in the hospital and their grandfather not coming until tomorrow, she wanted to spend the day with friends. Alex gets furious and flies off; only to lose control and get saved by none other than Cloak and Dagger. Katie also runs off and manages to find Franklin and Beta Ray Bill in the crowd. Julie and Jack go searching for both, but from the air, can’t find either of them.
Things go wrong when Leech catches up to Anna-Lee, and she screams that someone stop him. Several men holding balloons try; but then the wind gets the best of them, and they lose their balance, and balloons begin colliding into one another as the chaos continues to escalate. Wolverine and Kitty join in helping the people, as do Jack and Julie.
Heading over to the Snark world; the Queen demands to know where her son is, but no one knows for sure where he is.
Back on Earth, Beta Ray Bill has changed to his heroic self and assisting in trying to get control of the chaos. Katie and Franklin run off and jump on the Mighty Mouse balloon and Katie uses her powers to disintegrate the rope. On the ledge, Dagger is overcome with hatred for Leech; but Alex explains that it’s Anna-Lee’s doing and that she can manipulate emotions. Cloak and Dagger teleport and grab Anna-Lee and Leech to bring them together, so that he’s able to cancel out her power.
Meanwhile Katie and Franklin manage to steer the Mighty Mouse balloon towards Margaret Power’s hospital window; much to the surprise of Katie’s father who is in the hospital room. However, the balloon begins to tilt and Franklin and Katie fall off; only to be caught by Beta Ray Bill who explains what they did could have endangered and hurt many people in the hospital; including Katie’s mother.
Katie explains that she only hoped that the balloon would help her mother wake up and had not considered the harm it might do.
Anna-Lee explains that she never wanted Leech to go and that she’s never loved him; she even confesses to locking him in a closet and when she begins to cry, Leech comforts her, much to her surprise. Cloak teleports them all to the Power’s home where they have a small Thanksgiving dinner.
When their father arrives, everyone has left, and Julie shows up for dinner that’s for her father.