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The issue begins with Power Pack chasing after Punisher in his van, hoping to distract him (because they’ve learned that the Punisher is after Cloak & Dagger, due to a smuggler “confessing” that they’re responsible for distributing drugs through the Holy Ghost Church). With Punisher’s memory blurred (See Punisher #1 (Limited Series) for more details), he doesn’t remember Cloak & Dagger all that well.
Back at the Holy Ghost Church, Cloak and Dagger teleport to the Church where they hear someone making noise. The open the door and find Dagger’s Uncle Mike (who happens to be a pastor) inside, cleaning up the Church. He explains that he had gained permission to use a portion of the Church as a part of an Outreach Program; and also that Dagger’s stepfather not only left her mother, but that he had move to Cleveland to take care of her – and was on his way to the Holy Ghost Church.
A change of scene to the police headquarters, and Detective Rebecca “Rusty” Nailes is arguing with the chief of police about O’Reilly. She had graduated the same year as O’Reilly in the Police Academy and the two had become partners; but Rebecca was on vacation when O’Reilly was killed; but demands to know if O’Reilly is killed then why is there no body. The Chief of Police thinks to himself, that he knows that O’Reilly is Mayhem, because she had paid him a visit. (See Cloak & Dagger (Volume 2) #5 for more details).
Speaking of Mayhem, we see her in the insane asylum speaking to Father Francis Delgado. She’s disappointed that he’s not recovered his sanity, as she was seeking council to ease her own burdens. He explains that Dagger is the only pure thing left in the Universe, and he had wanted her for himself to preserve her purity, and that his faith had driven him to insanity. Mayhem tells him that he belongs in this place; and he turns around and explains that her faith in the law is no different than his faith in the Lord; and that they had both officially become insane because of their faith. She leaves in furious anger… knowing that perhaps he was right.
Back at the Kingpin’s place, the smuggler who had tricked Punisher into going after Cloak & Dagger is speaking with Kingpin about what a great job he did; and Kingpin agrees, but then gives the command for his men to kill him.
Power Pack arrives at the Holy Ghost Church and sees Cloak and warns him that the Punisher is going after them; however, not far the Punisher has caught up to Dagger and her Uncle Mike who had been going for a walk!