Cloak & Dagger – Shades of Gray #3

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The issue opens up with Grey wondering what he’s going to do now that he’s won and gotten his revenge; however, when he doesn’t find any evidence of their bodies in the apartment that had just exploded, he knows that they’ve managed to escape.

Dagger has a nightmare that seems to be influenced by Grey; she awakens and shortly after, the police raid the hotel room they’re in (located in Rome). Cloak grabs Dagger, leaves money, and teleports away.

They teleport to where Hap’s band is playing; and notice that the music stops and hear Grey talking about how he can make people who enter his fog enter a “dream land” in which he can control people; and now has an entire arena under his control.

Cloak manages to get the charging mass being controlled by Grey and teleports them – and himself – to some distant beach, far enough away to break the people free of Grey’s control, while Dagger remains behind to try and take on Grey.

Grey using his fog to cloud Dagger’s judgement of what is fake and what is real. Cloak manages to teleport back to her and Grey quickly grabs Cloak and tries to manipulate him to teleport himself (pretending to be Dagger) and Cloak away; but Cloak sees through it, with Dagger’s guidance, and instead grabs Grey with his robes and yanks him into the Darkforce Dimension… this time, not releasing him.

After, Tandy and Tyrone are enjoying some coffee, when Detective Brandon Ikeda shows up and he and Tandy take off to go investigate a case, leaving Tyrone alone with his thoughts.