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Real Name: Teresa Vasquez
Aliases: None
Identity: Secret
Occupation: Professional Criminal, Mercenary
Citizenship: United States Citizen with a Criminal Record
Place of Birth: San Juan, Puerto Rico
Known Relatives: Unknown
Group Affiliation: Serpent Squad, Army of Evil, Serpent Solutions
First Appearance:
 Captain America #337
History: Prior to her time joining Serpent Society, very little is known about the life that Teresa Vasquez led in Puerto Rico, before coming to the United States. It is unclear if she had a criminal career and record in Puerto Rico prior to appearing in Las Vegas, robbing casinos, along side Copperhead, Puff Adder, and Black Racer, all of whom were employed by Viper (Madame Hydra) to get the attention of Sidewinder, who ran Serpent Society and infiltrate them. However, these crimes caught the attention of Captain America (going by the moniker of The Captain, at the time), Nomad, Demolition Man and Falcon, all of whom helped defeat them. But Viper’s plan had still proved successful, because their crime spree caught the attention of Sidewinder, who teleported into the prison and offered them a position in Serpent Society, and teleported them away with him.

Fer-de-Lance expressed a romantic interest in Serpent Society’s leader, Sidewinder, but Diamondback explained that he’d been in a relationship with another member, Black Mamba; however, Rattler was available. When Viper’s call for the attack happened, Fer-de-Lance attacked Diamondback, the one person who’d immediately befriended her when she initially joined Serpent Society – however, Diamondback was able to knock Fer-de-Lance into an equipment bank which electrocuted her, temporarily stunning her and allowing Diamondback to escape.

In the end, when Captain America helped defeat Viper, and Sidewinder, feeling betrayed decline to return to the Serpent Society, Cobra took over as leader and adopted the moniker of King Cobra and offered those who served Viper a place among Serpent Society, which Fer-de-Lance accepted.

She would not be seen again for quite some time, until for reasons unknown, she and other members of the Serpent Society, now following a new Viper who took on the name Pit Viper, and the latest leader of Serpent Society (which he rebranded as Serpent Solutions) fell under the sway of Mephisto. In an effort to call him forth, they completed an ancient ritual, but for reasons unknown, Mephisto never surfaced, and Serpent Solutions was defeated by the newly formed AVENGE.R.S. and taken into custody.

Height: 5’7″
Weight: 130 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black

Powers: Teresa Vasquez was chemically enhanced, by means unknown, that changed her musculature granting her enhanced human strength and durability.

Note: She is a very skilled combatant at hand-to-hand combat and the use of sharp blades, including, but not limited to, the talons on her costume. The talons on her costume are laced with poison, which can kill or stun, any who are cut. She is also very fluent in both English and Spanish.