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Real Name: Zorr
Aliases: Razor-Face, Froggy
Identity: Not known to the general public
Occupation: Conqueror
Citizenship: Luphomoid
Place of Birth: Home world of Luphomoids
Known Relatives: Kraa (Brother), Xira (Sister), Nebula (Alleged Daughter)
Group Affiliation: None
First Appearance: Nova (Volume 1) #1
History: Zorr is one of the few remaining members of his race, known as the Luphomoids. His planet, and most of his people perished when Galactus drained the life energy from their homeworld. Zorr had been one of the few fortunate survivors, only because he happened to be off world. Zorr sought to get revenge against Galactus for what he’d done which would lead him to siphoning power from Xandar – home of the Nova Corps. However, Zorr was driven off by Nova-Prime, Rhomann Dey, who continued to pursue Zorr to prevent him from siphoning energy from planets.
This would eventually lead Zorr to planet Earth, where the Nova-Prime, gravely wounded and paralyzed, transferred his power to the human Earthling, Richard Rider who became Nova. Richard Rider was able to do much during Zorr’s rampage, but he bought Rhomann Dey enough time to lock onto Zorr and pull him onto his ship – where he reversed all the power and channeled it into Zorr, apparently disintegrating him; but in the process, had taxed the already fatally wounded Rhomann Dey, who also perished in the process.
Height: 12′
Weight: 2 tons
Eyes: White
Hair: Unknown
Skin: Light Blue
Powers: Zorr possess incredible strength and durability. He was easily able to level buildings simply by punching them.
Weapons: Zorr carries a large weapon that’s capable of shooting powerful concussive energy. He also wears (purple and green) armor; the benefits (if any) of this armor are unknown.
Note: In Nova (Volume 3), Nebula claims to be the daughter of Zorr. However, she’s also claimed to be the grand-daughter of Thanos; which would probably connect Zorr to Thanos. So it remains debatable that things Nebula say may always be the truth. So whether she is related to Zorr or Thanos remains unclear.