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The issue begins with Cloak magically bound by Mr. Jip as they watch Dagger fleeing from the harvested darkness from various people in New York City.
The scene then changes to Tandy’s stepfather, Phillip visiting Father Mike (Tandy’s Uncle) at his Church. Phillip admits he would feel better if Tandy stayed at the apartment rather than the Church; but Father Mike asks, is that because it would make him feel better, because he – like his own sister (Tandy’s mother) – spent years neglecting Tandy, and because of it, she grew up a stronger woman, surviving on the streets of New York City without them.
Another scene shift and we see Rebecca “Rusty” Nales reviewing her former partner’s paper work – and notes that she was one of the only people that could read Brigit O’Reilly’s handwriting. She finds notes about Cloak and Dagger in her notes as well, and discovers that O’Reilly had tracked them down to the Holy Ghost Church. Rebecca decides they will be the next people she interviews to find out what happened to Brigit. (She’s unaware that Brigit died and was reborn as Mayhem).
Back to Dagger fighting the shadow beings, she discovers he light knives shatter them. But then she’s confronted by Mr. Jip’s lackey, the scantly clad, Night. Witnessing all of this while shackled, Cloak concentrates on a the ability to shatter the mental chains that keep him bound; and much to Mr. Jip’s surprise – manages to escape and teleport away. But where he ends up is not where he expected – he finds himself solidifying on top of a pool table that has a pentagram drawn on it with some other drawings and a young boy, holding a teddy bear, reaching from an ancient text, shouting, “Demon! You are now my slave!”