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The issue opens with Power Pack inside the Smartship, Friday – with their parents still in the Snark’s suspended animation. The children discuss the potential consequences of their parents finding out that they have powers, and that their father’s experiment had to be destroyed. Alex agrees with Julie that it’s best not to tell them about their powers. When their parents are freed of the wrapping that keeps them in suspended animation, they remember the Snarks but nothing after it.
The kids explain that the Snarks might have been after their father’s invention – to which, James can’t seem to remember, without a blazing headache crushing down on him. The house is a disaster, and chalked up for vandals. When the phone rings, it’s for Margaret who is stunned that somehow they can’t account for four days of their lives.
Elsewhere, Mr. Carmody meets with Henry Grynch who often deals with mutants, explaining that the Power’s children destroyed the Annihilation device. Henry provides him with a handheld mutant detector (unaware that the Power Pack team are not mutants).
The kids enjoy dinner with their parents at a fast food establishment, when they spot Mr. Carmody and the kids quickly excuse themselves. Carmody goes after the kids, while one of the other employees tries to stay with the parents. The kids run down an alleyway and blast a small hole in the fence to escape, forcing Carmody to hand the mutant detection device to another to give chase. Carmody gives chance, determining they went to Lookout Point. The other agent goes there with the mutant detection device and falls off the ledge, and is saved by Power Pack – but that forces them to reveal themselves, which Carmody takes advantage of by shooting at them. With the arrival of their parents, Power Pack quickly gets out of costume before their parents arrive, so that it looks like Carmody is firing at the kids. James Power quickly hits Carmody and knocks him on the floor. The agent who had fallen off the ledge and been saved, kindly explains that he never saw the kids emitting any form of powers.
Julie has a heart to heart with her mother on the beach, which makes Julie call out to the Smartship, Friday and apologize to it, how she had spoken to it before. The next few days are spent packing and getting the moving truck loaded.