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The unusual silence certainly makes it feel that way. All the way back in Feb 2020, we got a preview of the new New Warriors series. Daniel Kibblesmith even spoke about the series back in Feb 2020. The following month, we finally learned the name of these new New Warriors, who would be trained by some of the original, including Night Thrasher, Namorita and Firestar.
Online, there was some backlash about the character names, and their general appearances. And then Covid-19 happened – and the entire world was placed on hold. Things were delayed as the world tried to figure out how to move forward. Originally, the New Warriors would have tied into the Outlaw event happening – and that was placed on hold. But that seems to have finally began moving forward, many months later – but there’s no news from Marvel or the creative team that was behind this new New Warriors series.

So from left to right we have: Screentime, Snowflake, Safespace, B-Negative and Trailblazer.