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The issue begins with an alien ship that has been attacked by Skaarn. The captain of the ship notes, that Skaarn attacked for no other reason to attack and leave them for dead. After Nova and Beta Ray Bill rescue the occupants of the ship, they continue on their way. Nova asks about how Beta Ray Bill became so similar to Thor – and Beta Ray Bill explains his origin, of how he was born, through science to be his people’s champion. They were an alien race, born on the run because their home planet had fallen to their vicious, demonic enemies. He also explains how he met Richard Rider, as Nova, long ago when Beta Ray Bill opened a hatch within the ship to expel his enemies – but was also sucked into space – only to be saved by Richard Rider, as Nova. He goes on to explain, that he would later fight next to Nova again, during the Annihilation wave. Shortly there after, they arrive at Nowehere – the head of a former Celestial that floats through space and has become a home and base for many.
Beta Ray Bill has Nova wait outside, while Beta Ray Bill wraps himself in his cloak to disguise himself. Inside one of the bars of Nowhere, Beta Ray Bill spots Skaarn making a deal with some kind of insect alien. Skaarn blasts the alien, laughing that he never had any intention for paying for the part he needed. Beta Ray Bill reveals himself ans goes after Skaarn. However, Skaarn remains one step ahead as he notifies his engineer that if he is captured or harmed, to airlock the Korbonites into space.
Outside, a War Bringer – which is a giant robot suddenly comes online and attacks Nova. Nova manages to defeat the War Bringer. Beta Ray Bill shows up and explains that they must surrender, or else Skaarn will kill his people. He explains that Skaarn plans on teleporting them away. Sam assures Beta Ray Bill that he has a better idea. Beta Ray Bill and Nova appear before Skaarn, who seemingly teleports them both away – but Nova is nothing more than a hologram. That’s when he hears a voice inside his head, and follows where it’s coming from and finds none other than the Russian, telepathic dog – Cosmo.