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The issue begins with it being dusk, so Cloak goes on the move. He pulls two guards into the shadows of his robes, when they refuse to say where Tandy is; but once released from the shadows, they immediately confess, rather than go inside the shadows again. One explains it’s down below, but entrance is forbidden. Cloak melts through the wall explaining there is nowhere he can’t go. Cloak learns that the leader’s name is Thule, and he wonders how so many people could be filled with such racial hatred to follow a mad man.
Inside the chamber, Cloak locates Tandy and she can sense he’s there. Thule goes on to explain, that his life traces back to the infamous war of Germany against the World and how the Germans had discovered a thing they called “The Dark Door.” Thule’s regiment was selected to explore the “Dark Door” – but that’s when the US invaded, and the Germans hastily took down the “Dark Door” for fear that it’d fall into someone else’s hands. Thule posed as a doctor and escaped to the United States and kept the secret plans of the “Dark Door.”
At that moment, he senses Cloak and says, “By the light of Vril” and pulls Cloak right out of the shadows; and the cloak seems to fold upon itself, painfully shooting Tyrone through the darkness where he lands in the same apartment he keeps landing in, in New York City. A female, composed of shadow, pink wings, and blond to orange hair appears and introduces herself as “Avandalia.” Tyrone introduces himself and touches her hand but then she crumbles away.
Elsewhere, Spider-Man is swinging his web, and suddenly goes from the middle of New York to swinging right next to the Statue of Liberty.
Back to Tyrone he tracks down Rebecca and Brigid and explains what happened just as Spider-Man swings over them; seeking to speak to Cloak about the shadow he swung his web through.
Back over with Tandy, the men who couldn’t stop Cloak are brought forward to ride the lance; but Tandy refuses to sit idly by. She tries to save them by grabbing the lance as it’s propelled and it’s too late as it plunges through the men; but also pulls Tandy, as well as Enrich, who tried to stop her, into the darkness where a horrible, skeletal, giant face emerges from the shadows that they’d been transported.
Back in New York, Tyrone’s body begins to blotch, and suddenly the giant lance, with its victims and Tandy still hanging on, emerges from the blackness pouring out of Tyrone’s body. Tyrone resumes his form as Cloak and tells Rebecca and Brigid to arrest Enrich for murder. Dagger explains that it’s not over – they still have to stop Thule.