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The issue begins with Tyrone (who had lost his powers as Cloak after the defeat of Dagger’s father, the Lord of Light – see last issue for more) and Dagger aboard a plane, and Tyrone is suffering from horrible nightmares. The nightmares attract the attention of the embodiment of bad dreams – a being known as Nightmare. He peeks into the mind of Tyrone and sees how he had run away, met Tandy, and how they were injected with experimental drugs that trigger powers of light and darkness in them, respectively.
Nightmare reflects on how he can only impact those who are dreaming, and no one of the waking world; and previous attempts have always been met with defeat thanks to the Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Stephen Strange. But Nightmare senses that within Tyrone, there is still a connection to the darkness; and if Nightmare could lure Doctor Strange into it, he may be able to manipulate Strange through there. Nightmare decides to use a demon like creature to feed the fear that has existed in Tyrone’s mind since he got the powers of Cloak; one where, what if he could not control the darkness within him and it spilled outward? Would Tyrone seek the aid of Stephen Strange; especially since Nightmare has planted that suggestion? A moment later, Tyrone awakes from the nightmare feeling ill, and a demon like creature lunges outside of him.
With the release of the creature, Tyrone’s connection to his darkness is reignited and he regains the powers of Cloak, while Tandy remains powerless (her magic drained from her father, The Lord of Light last issue). The demon creature tears into the cockpit and it sends the plane spiraling out of control. Tandy notices that the demon seems to be siphoning light, so she jumps between the demon and it’s victims and there’s a blinding flash of light. This reignites Dagger’s powers and she begins feeding light to those the demon had fed off of, and the pilots regain consciousness and control of the plane and safely land it, as the demon is absorbed back into the shadows of Cloak’s flowing robes.