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The issue begins with chaos erupting aboard the Smartship Friday, due to the Elan (the alien that they had saved from Star-Stalker’s reign of terror) and their injuries. Alex, during this realizes that his baldness is rapidly increasing; and Jack manages to absorb the energy that the Elan is emitting. The Smartship Friday notes that Frankie Raye seems to have lost her Cosmic powers after the battle with the Star-Stalker; but has energy equal to an “Average” Earth Super Hero. During the chaos, Franklin had been injured and rendered into a coma, according to the Smartship’s diagnostics.
On Earth, Margaret Power (mother to the Power children) gets up in the middle of the night and discovers her children are missing. She wakes up James (her husband, and the father of the Power children) who confirms it. He’s forced to try and help her calm down, but even he notes this is the worse of the breakdowns he’s seen her endure.
Elsehwere, a homeless man wakes up on a bench to a light; and just then four teenagers come and threaten to light him on fire, when the light continues to get brighter; and what appears to be a giant, floating cocoon appears. The teenagers flee, leaving the homeless man doused in liquor. It turns out to be the Star-Stalker, but the Smartship Friday arrives just after him and manages to blasted him several times, drawing his attention. Power Pack rushes out to attack Star-Stalker and Alex find he’s able to change to cloud form without even thinking of it.
At that same moment, still in a coma, Franklin realizes the true threat is Galactus, and that he will have to face him alone. At that moment, Franklin Raye awakens and discovers that she’s lost her powers. She runs out and finds that the teenagers have returned and ignite the homeless man; she tries the summon the fire away from him and does so, turning her into a human torch. The homeless man, unhurt, recognizes her. Frankie Raye flies to Freedom Plaza, but has just missed Reed Richards (better known as Mr. Fantastic, of the Fantastic Four) and goes inside and gets a weapon known as The Simulator (see in Fantastic Four #37 and again in Fantastic Four #40).
The homeless man runs inside the Smartship, which takes off.
Frankie Raye uses The Simulator to absorb the Star-Stalker’s energy; but the end result is that it changes her into something evil.