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The issue opens up with Dragon Man awakened and fighting against a man – he bats the man away who crumples on the ground. Dragon Man seems to recall a doll and attempts to pick the man up but a loud sound drives him off and he escapes through the roof.
In an apartment in the Upper West Side of Manhattan, Dragon Man’s shadow passes over several windows and Alex notices it and asks what it was, but Jack, his younger brother, is in his bunk below Jack, barely even awake. In the room next to them, Katie is having a nightmare and disintegrates her teddy bear, but Julie wakes up just in time, to stop her from disintegrating anything else.
Margaret takes Julie and Katie to the doctor that morning, and during that time, Alex and Jack get it in their heads after reading the newspaper, that they should seek out Spider-Man. They manage to find Spider-Man and give chase, until Spider-Man meets up with Cloak and Dagger, who are after the men who gave them their powers, by injecting them with a drug. Spider-Man explains to them that the reason he was there was because he had to chase down the “dragon.” Back at home, Julie and Katie get home and find Alex and Jack’s note and decide to go looking for them using their powers.
At the same time, Spider-Man finds himself being attacked by Dragon Man. Dragon Man is holding Professor Gilbert; and Spider-Man tries to web Dragon Man, who in turn burns Spider-Man’s webbing. Spider-Man is caught by Alex, who notes that he’s the oldest of Power Pack (his brother, Jack, only being eight at the time). Julie and Katie eventually run into Dragon Man and turn tail, despite Professor Gilbert’s plea for help. Julie and Katie turn back around and discover that Professor Gilbert explains that someone is controlling Dragon Man using sonic powers. Elsewhere, Spider-Man tells Alex and Jack to go back home, but the two refuse and follow Spider-Man.
Katie and Julie find Dragon Man and try to make him move, but he refuses. Katie and Julie realize they need to destroy the sonic device that’s being used to control him; and do so, just after being captured by the men. Free of the sonic device, Dragon Man grabs Katie and Julie and flees to safety.
Elsewhere, Spider-Man has a heart to heart with Alex and Jack, and about responsibility. Alex and Jack return home. Meanwhile, Katie and Julie bring Dragon Man to the basement and offer him sanctuary before going back upstairs, where they run into their brothers and parents.