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The issue opens up with the Snark, Maraud, demanding of Byrel, the secret to transfer a Kymellian’s power without burning out the host, as Aelfyre Whitemane had done to bestow his powers to Power Pack. However, Byrel states that Aelfyre was the last of the Great Sorcerers and the secret as to how he’d done it died with him, when Maraud’s Snarks murdered him.
One of the Kymellians approaches Byrel and whispers that Force Four is moving in on Maraud but needs time to be able to approach, so Byrel attempts to buy them some time by telling Maraud that he will hold a council to see if they can unlock the secrets that Aelfyre once possessed.
Elsewhere, Power Pack, along with Kofi and Franklin are in the Smartship Friday when they suddenly hit what appears to be a force field that has trapped them; however, upon closer inspection, it’s not a force field, but a giant being in space.
Back on Maraud’s ship, Force Four has managed to sneak aboard and begun taking out guards and reaches Maraud’s control room. Maraud makes for an escape and Teamleader starts to give chase; but Ghostmare tells him it’s a trick, but he insists. Maraud is hiding around a corner and lets them pass and enters the room and shoots and eliminates Firemane and Thunderhoof; next she renders Teamleader and Ghostmare unconscious with an electrical trap.
Back with Power Pack, the cosmic entity introduces itself as Numinus, who proclaims that they’re in charge of the miracles of Fate; claiming that it seeks out situations that seem dire or a lost cause and provide a twist of fate, so that things somehow turn out miraculously all right. Numinus explains that there’s something happening at Kymellia that’s extremely dire, and that they’re supposed to be a part of it, to turn things around. Numinus explains that they’re to teach the elders of Kymellia to listen to their inner child if they have any hope of being saved.
Back at Kymellia, Power Pack and the others attack Maraud’s ship and land inside the landing bay. Kofi teleports them inside of Maraud’s ship and they rush Maraud who threatens to eliminate all of Kymellia, so Power Pack surrenders, along with Kofi, and they’re rendered unconscious. When they regain consciousness, Maraud laughs as she begins beating Kofi; but Julie stops her by saying that they know the secret to transferring the powers, but Maraud must promise not to hurt Kofi. Maraud promises and allows Force Four to take Kofi off her ship and back to Kymellia so that he can get medical attention. Then Power Pack begins the power transfer into Maraud…!