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The issue with Dagger having been thrown out of a plane and falling rapidly to the ground. She sees Cloak jump out of the plane and make several attempts to teleport and catch her, but he continues to miscalculate the velocity of her descent. Dagger thinks about her family; and how her mother was rushing off to Spain, despite her stepfather’s protests that they needed to be there for Tandy. Her mother sneers a comment about her money, and drives off, and Tandy’s stepfather warns that he will not be home when she comes back.
Cloak teleports to the ground and waits for Tandy to fall close to the ground before teleporting upward to catch her.
The scene shifts to Kingpin, alone with his thoughts, thinking that Cloak and Dagger need to die, because he humbled himself before them and begged Dagger to use her light knives to see if they would say his dying wife, and they had declined. (The full story can be found in Peter Parker #96 for more details).
Elsewhere, Punisher is roughing up a drug smuggler, who confesses that the drugs are being distributed through the Holy Ghost Church, under the protection of Cloak & Dagger. With part of Punisher’s recent memory blurred, he decides to look into it. (See Punisher #1 (Limited Series) for more details). Four young kids witness Punisher tying the smuggler to the police station – and those four kids happen to be Alex, Jack, Julie and Katie Power of Power Pack!
Scene shifts back to Cloak and Dagger, and Cloak has successfully captured Dagger, but knows that the velocity which she fell into his cloak will continue when he releases her; so he teleports into the ocean and releases her, so that the water slows her movement and prevents her from being seriously injured. He then realizes he is exhausted so that Dagger needs to save him as they swim for shore together.