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The issue begins in true Uncanny X-Men R&R, where we see the Power Pack team playing baseball and using their powers. Jack knocks the ball hard, while Alex is pitching, Katie is the catcher and Julie plays the outfield. Julie flies up and catches the ball by extending her arm; and Jack tries to give her pointers, but she throws the ball through Jack’s cloud form, only to be caught by Alex.
The kids hear the doorbell and automatically change into their civilian clothing and greet their grandfather at the front door. They get on the subway to go to the baseball game with their grandfather, and Jack pulls out several baseball cards – one, most notably of Batman Bates, who had a record in the field of baseball. When Alex asks what happened to Batman Bates, Jack explains that he had gone to a war and ended up in a hospital and disappeared shortly after that; but notes, he’d be too old now to play baseball, anyway.
When they arrive at the baseball game, Jack things for a brief moment that he saw Batman Bates, and wants to get his baseball card signed – but then loses sight of him. Julie, unfamiliar with baseball asks if there’s a specific spot where they will light the fireworks if Batman Bates’ record is tied; and her grandfather hands her binoculars to see better. The kids go to get more hotdogs at the game, and Jack spots Batman Bates again and asks him to sign his card; but the only man yells at Jack, that it’s not him – and even if it was – no one has cared about Batman Bates for years. The man believed to be Batman Bates leaves, and Jack notices that the man has dropped something and Alex recognizes it as a blasting cap. They assume he might work for the fireworks company until they return to their seat and see him through the binoculars and know he is up to no good. Using the excuse that Katie has to use the restroom the kids excuse themselves and find a police officer to notify him; but when it begins taking too long, Jack uses his cloud ability to cloud up the hallway and all the others to simply use their powers.
They go down to where the fireworks are and find the actual fireworks employee rendered unconscious. Slugger McGirk who threatens to break the record hits what appears to be a home run; but Jack is forced to shrink down and condense his body to prevent the home run from happening so that the record isn’t broken and so that Batman Bates won’t trigger the explosion. They manage to defeat Batman Bates, and Katie burns the wire so that it can’t be used. The officers arrive and arrest Batman Bates, just as the kids return back to their seats. Jack feels guilty of robbing Slugger of his record breaking home run; but then gets an idea. Katie unleashes several powerful, bright energy balls as Slugger hits the ball the next time, while Julie ensures that it goes over the marker for a home run hit, breaking Batman Bates’ record!