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This issue starts with… a twist. So it turns out, the hair loss, the healing ability, the transmuting into a cloud form effortlessly was all a part of Alex’s body changing… into a full, fledged Kymellian. That’s right. Alex comes out and reveals that he’s turned into a Kymellian. We can’t make this stuff up, folks. Someone else did it for us.
Alex is forced to change into his cloud form and exit the room when their father comes in the room to tell them that their mother is ready to see them, and that she’s doing better – but they must not mention anything about super powers. Jack excuses Alex’s absence as Alex being downstairs to see Allison.
The scene shifts to the Power kids, along with Franklin (who now lives with them, and minus Alex) heading to school, where they see Mrs. Masters leaving her house, kissing her boyfriend, who happens to be the criminal formerly known as The Puppet Master. The Puppet Master things about Mrs. Master’s son whom he’s made toys for; unknowing that replicas of the toys gain sentient life and emerge from the sewers (a reference, clearly, to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles).
Alex in the meantime ponders why this is happening to him.
Back with the other Power kids, Jack feels like something is wrong (unaware that the sentient toys are wreaking havoc behind them). Franklin foresees danger in the form of a crane falling, and Julie is just barely able to pull them out of the way as a crane collapses due to one of the sentient toys colliding into it. At school, Katie discovers that Franklin Richards is going by the name of Franklin Benjamin – and that he’s also in her class, as revealed by Mrs. Raymond (who has ties to other heroes – the footnotes makes mention to check out West Coast Avengers #30). Later, at the pizzeria – Franklin spots the sentient toys and realizes it’s the work of the Puppet Master and attacks them until they flee into the sewers. He contacts Alex through his “Dream Walk” power and explains that Puppet Master is behind this. Alex discovers that the boy was responsible for using the toys and that the Puppet Master blames himself because his son is special and has no friends. He apologies and assures them it will not happen again.
Alex finally breaks down, sobbing and reveals himself to his father. Unfortunately, his mother walks in and sees and faints.