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Return to issue listing of Cloak & Dagger – Volume 3.

The issue begins with Dagger telling Brigid that she and Cloak will go after Thule, but would need Spider-Man’s help (who happens to be there, since he was looking for Cloak in the previous issue). Suddenly, the shadows seem to implode and Cloak lets out a scream and Dagger and Spider-Man are teleported to Thule’s base, but Cloak’s location remains unknown.
Thule enters the “Dark Door” he’s recreated; and speaks to it, saying that it’s almost time. He attempts to make a sacrifice to bring the darkness into the world, when something reaches out from the Dark Door and attempts to attack Spider-Man and Dagger hiding in the rafters. An all out fight breaks out.
Scene shifts to Rebecca and Brigid questioning Enrich, who says his answers won’t change. Rebecca and Brigid leave. An crooked officer slips another man behind bars some keys; and he uses those keys to free himself then Enrich. Rebecca and Brigid, in the meantime go to visit Tandy’s stepfather and find the creature Tyrone saw – the woman composed of shadows – along with Tandy’s stepfather eating at a table – someone at the far end, obscured by table ornaments asks them to join – and they’re unable to resist the suggestion.
Back at Thule’s base, he sacrifices one of his own men so that the “Vril” can enter the world through the Dark Door, which they do. They appear to be pink, humanoid, short beings with orange hair and pointed ears, and reptile like facial features. The woman, Anna, whom Thule had originally tried to sacrifice, puts up a fight; and suddenly the entire base trembles as Mephisto emerges from the Dark Door.