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Real Name: Garthan Saal
Aliases: Nova Omega
Identity: Secret
Occupation: Nova Corps (Formerly)
Citizenship: Xandarian
Place of Birth: Xandar
Known Relatives: Unknown
Group Affiliation: Nova Corps (Formerly)
First Appearance: Avengers (V1) #301
History: Through sheer luck or ill fortune, Garthan Saal would be the sole survivor of the destruction of Xandar at the hands of Nebula, the self proclaimed daughter of Thanos, and as a result Garthan became the host of the entire Nova Corps power which had driven him mad with power, his relentless grief only complicating things further. This brought Garthan Saal to Earth to confront the Avengers, whom he’d believed had been allies with the murderous Nebula. (Note this actually turned out to be Ravonna disguised as Nebula)

Garthal Saal would eventually encounter Richard Rider, who had been Nova. He siphoned the Nova powers from Rich Rider and captured him and took him to Xandar to help reboot the Worldmind, which was the primary power of the Nova Corp – and this allowed the Worldmind to be successfully initialized and the population of Xandar’s past DNA of citizens to be cloned and returned to normal. Gathan Saal served Queen Adora for a considerable amount of time, but eventually found himself on Earth again where he helped the New Warriors battle the Dire Wraith Queen, Volx, where he had seemingly perished, giving up his life to help defeat her.

However, during the War of Kings event, a Shi’ar by the name of Malik Tarcel was being tortured by Emperor Vulcan – when he was suddenly rescued by someone who looked – and claimed to be – Garthan Saal.

His whereabouts are currently unknown.

Height: 5’10” (Normal), 30′ (Super Nova)
Weight: 200 lbs. (Normal), 45,400 lbs (Super Nova)
Eyes: Brown (formerly), white
Hair: Brown (formerly), black

Powers: Flight, enhanced strength, speed, and durability. Nova derives his powers from an energy source called the Nova-Force, which all Nova Centurions wield. Richard Rider had the greatest potential for control as his knowledge of his power increased.

Accessories: Garthan Saal wears a standard Xandarian StarCorps uniform, designed to accommodate his powers without being damaged by them. In addition, the uniform has a life support function that can sustain Garthan Saal under the most extreme environmental conditions. It can act as a space suit by locking off the mouth and eyes of the helmet. The helmet can also pick up radio transmissions, as well as act as a heads-up display for tracking energy signatures.