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The issue begins with one of Emperor Jakal’s destroyers seeking to destroy the final opposing Snark clan – Clan Ankar. Power Pack, along with Kofi and the Snark, Sobak, are forced to quickly teleport to the Burrower caves, where they are unfortunate witnesses to the destruction of Clank Ankar. Katie approaches Sobak and tells her that she’s sorry for what happened to his family.
Not far, Queen Destrak, who was the Queen of the first clan Emperor Jakal attempted to destroy, and has rescued Yrik, has also mustered together an army. Yrik says if all goes well, Queen Destrak will become Snark World’s first empress.
Back inside the cave, some of Emperor Jakal’s Snarks enter the caves looking for survivors to kill, and surprisingly find Power Pack, Kofi and Sobak. Alex brings portions of the cave down around the opposing Snarks; and that’s when the Burrowers make themselves known, joyful to see “The Star Child” (Katie) once again.
Not far, Kofi has teleported Jack and Julie with him; but is too tired to teleport the complete distance. However, before she can tell them of her newfound power; Snarks attack them, so she just touches them and teleports them aboard the Smartship Friday, much to the surprise of Kofi and Jack. They go to the ruins of the Destrak clan in hopes of finding Queen Destrak; where soon after, they do find Queen Destrak.
Back on Snark World, Jakal expresses concern that both Queen Destrak have not been located and that Yrik has somehow got free. Maraud barks several commands to Jakal, who then loses his mind and begins strangling the life out of her, claiming that Snark World will be his – not hers. Alex, Sobak and Katie arrive at that moment through the Burrower hole and attack. Queen Destrak attacks Jakal and says she will put an end to him and rule peacefully in place. Sobak argues that it’s impossible – no female has ever ruled over Snark World; but without a family or clan to back him, unlike Destrak, none would ever follow Sobak. Julie comes up with the idea of Sobak and Destrak ruling through a Triumvirate; similar to the Romans. Master Repra represents the third body of the Snark rulership.
The kids return home and find that their mother is back home; but still ill. Julie goes to Randy Allen’s house, and scolds him for what he did and to never call her “Jules” again – or even to call her. She then returns home to be with her family. She’s pleased to hear that while her mother is still ill, she will recover. The kids tell their mother they don’t want to be Power Pack anymore; but she says that Whitey gave them a gift and they should use it.