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The issue begins with Alex wanting to go to the roof to practice their powers; while Julie tells them that they have to finish the chores around the house before their mother gets home. Katie in the meantime, does her chores – the trash – by absorbing all the trash using her powers, causing her to glow. When Julie asks what she’s doing, Katie explains that maybe they should go to the roof and practice with their powers. Julie refuses to go while the others do. Julie finishes her chores and uses her powers to fly to the roof – only to find her brother Alex – flying. Alex explains that he is using a contraption he made using a fire extinguisher and his backpack, to create a custom jet-pack that allows him to fly – not simply float.
Unfortunately, it was the last fire extinguisher in the house, so Alex panics that they need to get a replacement – however, none of them have the money to afford one – except for Julie, who refuses to share her money because of Alex’s lack of responsibility.
At school the next day, Julie admits to Katie that the truth of the matter is, if she helped Alex purchase another fire extinguisher, she wouldn’t feel special – because it was her job to push everyone when they were Power Pack – and if Alex gained the ability to fly, she wouldn’t be needed or special anymore.
A kitten, with a string tied to it’s tail runs by, as it begins to rain and goes down the sewer. This gets the attention of Julie and Katie, and eventually Alex and Jack. They venture down into the sewers because it seems that kitten has been swept away by the rain’s current.
As they explore the dark sewer, they hear the sound of a kitten meowing; but as they get closer, a sudden surge of water violently tumbles through the sewer system, catching Power Pack by surprise. The surge of water separates them; so that Alex and Katie are washed down one tunnel, while Julie is swept with Jack; who she must keep above water, after he’s rendered unconscious by striking stone. Julie is forced to remain quiet, as what appears to be an alligator in the sewer, brushes by her.
Alex and Katie return to the surface, so that Alex can get a fire extinguisher from the basement to use as a jet-pack to better help with the search in the sewer. Julie and Jack find the kitten, still alive, stuck in the water; but also surrounded by alligators. They grab the kitten and try to keep the alligators at bay, until Alex and Katie arrive, and Katie uses her energize balls to convince the alligators to seek food elsewhere. Power Pack escapes, and Julie notes that some of the alligators were wearing spiked collars, as if they were pets of some kind.
The issue ends with a mysterious figure in the sewer playing music, talking to the alligators, and taking the school books that Power Pack had left behind.