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The issue begins with Cloak and Power Pack observing Punisher with his gun drawn. Cloak tries to ambush Punisher from above, but miscalculates and Punisher is able to dodge; but that’s when Power Pack goes into motion and does things to distract Punisher; even Dagger’s Uncle Mike gets involved; and the Punisher finally admits that he suspected this was a set up and just needed verification – so now he knows Cloak & Dagger are clean and that the informant had been lying. Uncle Mike questions the Punisher; and that he had heard he was shooting at normal people. Punisher explains that inmates had drugged him and turned him into something he hated briefly. (See Punisher #1 (Limited Series) for more details). This immediately resonates with Dagger who explains that she can understand. Punisher tells the Power Pack kids to be safe, and tells Katie that he once had a daughter like her named Lisa. He then whispers a secret to Katie, and she refuses to tell anyone else what he had said.
At Kingpin’s base, he gets a note from the Punisher saying it’s unwise to mess with him – or his friends.
Back at Brigit O’Reilly place, Detective Rebecca “Rusty” Nales is examining the place (it’s interesting to note her skin tone has changed from what appeared to be white in the previous issue, to clearly African American in the current issue). The landlord comes up and asks if she should box up O’Reilly’s stuff, and Rebecca explains that she will pay for the next three months of rent (since she believes that O’Reilly is a live, since no body was ever recovered; she’s unaware that O’Reilly has become Mayhem).
The scene shifts to Dagger speaking to her stepfather, who has gotten an apartment in the same place as the Power Pack kids; and she’s speaking with him about how wonderful and nice the entire Power family is. Dagger then – despite Cloak’s protests – goes to visit the (former) Father Francis Delgado in the insane asylum. They briefly talk and he explains that he feels better and his faith has been restored. Time is eventually up and Dagger leaves but promises to try and visit more frequently. When the door closes, Mr. Jip is seen standing behind Francis Delgado, who turns and thanks his Lord and Master.
Scene shifts to a happier scene where the Powers, along with Dagger and Uncle Mike and her stepfather are all celebrating the birthday of one of the Power’s hamsters. It’s an excuse for everyone to get together and have a good time. Julie brings a piece of cake up to her room where Cloak is sitting. He explains he doesn’t eat; but she has him eat it anyway, and then begins helping him to learn how to read.