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The issue opens with the kids rushing to school; all of them running late. Alex meets with Allison from his class; and the same soccer kids that had teased him previously do so again; this time throwing the ball, which Alex uses his power to lift himself, and throw the ball back. When Allison asks how he did that he brushes it off as just doing what comes natural to him.
Unbeknownst to Julie, she’s being watched by an all too familiar figure hiding in tree, dressed in an unusual looking costume; as he thinks to himself how the kids ruined his life, and that there’s only one way to deal with “Muties” (a slang term for Mutants – children born, due to genetic DNA, with super human powers. Note: The Power Pack kids are not mutants, as they were given these powers by an alien; but the person observing does not know that and simply assumes that all four children are mutants).
The mysterious figure then spies on Katie, and abducts her – but not before she emits one of her power balls. When Katies asks who he is – the man simply introduces himself as The Bogey Man insisting that he will take care of the “Mutie Freaks.”
Alex spots the power blast and runs into the hall and spots the figure carrying Katie away and recognizes him immediately as Mr. Carmody. Carmody using his outfit easily escapes Alex, who could only levitate up to them; but has no actual flight control. Carmody promises that he will come back for all of them.
Jack ends up seeing Alex floating in the sky and excuses himself from class and takes to changing to his costume and assuming cloud form to ask Alex what’s going on. Alex shrinks himself and runs into Julie’s class, just as one of the students is passing back a note. The teacher hears something (Jack explaining what’s happening) and catches Julie with the note – which is the answers to the test! Julie is sent to the principal’s office – but Jack is able to explain what has transpired and Julie takes off, following Jack.
Hanging on to Julie; they easily catch up with the slow flying Carmody. Jack releases his hold and shrinks down, impacting on Carmody’s suit, causing it to briefly malfunction – but also causes Carmody to release Katie who plunges into the river below. Julie and Alex save her and Jack from being taken down by a boat that has not seen them. The Power Pack kids catch up to him and Katie uses her power to disintegrate his flight suit, which sends him crashing to the river below. The kids then (without checking on him), return to school, despite his threat of knowing where they live and how he will come back for them.