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The issue begins aboard the spaceship of the humanoid planet beings; where Cloak is talking to the other man who had been abducted from Nepal. The man explains that when he was brought on board he was brought to the “big bosses” (which resemble heads turned upside down; with their chins on the top and eyes on the bottom). Cloak asks why they’d mistake the man for Cloak, and the man explains that he was previously the one who wore the “Cloak” before Cloak had become the portal that they used.
The scene shifts to Tandy being fed by her stepfather, Phillip, at his apartment, after she had lost her sight after being reverted back to the light by Cloak. Tandy’s uncle, Father Mike swings by and introduces Tandy to Dennis Fiedler, who is a therapist who specializes in rehabilitation for the blind.
Back on board the spaceship, the aliens decide since the old man is no longer a portal keeper, they return him to Earth, much to Cloak’s dismay, as the man could have answered so many of Cloak’s questions. Cloak is brought before the head of the beings who questions why Cloak refuses to surrender the device; and Cloak tells them that he has no idea what they’re talking about and tells them off. The head of the spacecraft explains that they’ve made it their mission to go from galaxy to galaxy removing potentially dangerous objects from civilizations that have things they should not have. The head of the space ship explains that the Grunds (which, as it turns out – are not planet looking humanoids; they merely wore planet like helmets) are a species that would only do something if the objective was fun. (Note: The Grunds made their first appearance in Giant Size Defenders #3). As it turns out, it had been sent to recover the item that Franklin Richards had pieced together (and it had successfully stolen). It goes on to explain that the initial Grund who used Cloak’s shadow to teleport through had cheated; and because of it, the Earth must suffer.
The scene shifts to Rebecca “Rusty” Nales speaking with Father Mike about Cloak, and how she had actually found him to be charming. Father Mike is surprised as he’s never seen that said of Cloak before.
A brief scene cut to Mr. Jip has him looking at ancient tomes of knowledge as Francis Delgado looks on in utter admiration. Mr. Jip tells his lackey, the scantly clad Night to take Francis in the other room and find something to distract him with.
We quickly cut back over to Tandy, who rises out of her bed, moving slowly through the house until she finds the radio and turns it on. She attempts to dance, and gets several moves in, before she bangs her knee against the table and falls down in frustration; then returns back to the bedroom crying.
Back aboard the ship, the head of the aliens sends one in to fight Cloak, in hopes that Cloak will resort to pulling the alien into the shadows of his robes; but Cloak realizes that’s their plan so that the alien might be able to recover the artifact that the Grund had left inside of Cloak that Franklin Richards had made.
Cloak finally pulls out the device and says he will surrender it; only if he gets a chance to say goodbye to Dagger. The aliens agree and begin a astral projection of Cloak who appears in Dagger’s room. She is angry that he would only come when he needs his fix of her light daggers – but she won’t let him explain that he’s been held prisoner. Out of frustration she unloads her light power into him which seems to also cause a feedback upon the spaceship itself. The aliens decide to spare planet Earth, based on some rule from “The Book.” Cloak is ecstatic and eager to return home; but the aliens tell him, that it’s impossible to bring him back home now.
One of the Grunds explains that they can push him through a bubble, but there’s a big chance it may not work. Cloak still agrees and enters the bubble which is then projected into space. The space ship then slowly takes off, leaving Cloak to orbit the Earth – unaware that the aliens had gathered his DNA sample with the intent to use the clones they’ve created to gather the dangerous objects and stop using the Grunds.