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Return to issue listing of Cloak & Dagger – Volume 3.

The issue begins with Tandy crying as she held Tyrone’s Cloak back in her apartment. Her uncle, Father Mike arrives to ask what’s happening, and she explains all that happened. He replies with the fact that Tyrone probably gave his life saving everyone. He takes the cloak and locks it inside of a chest, carrying it with him as he asks her to come on a ride with him.
He takes her to a nice hillside location and together they bury the chest with Tyrone’s cloak inside of it. Tandy thinks how Tyrone would have liked it because the sun was so warm there.
The scene changes to France, where we see a blond woman yelling at her accountant who is discussing the ups and downs of her latest, highly addictive drug. She hears a sound outside and looks and sees what was once, Tyrone’s Cloak – and it’s revealed that the woman is Rene Deladier – better known as the villain Ecstasy. (She battled Cloak & Dagger, as well as Doctor Strange, in Doctor Strange (Volume 2) #78).
Cutting back over to Dagger, she is getting physical therapy from Dennis, who explains that one of the first things she needs to do is focus on the person who is speaking to her; by turning her head to face them when they speak. This will help put people at ease, and be the first step to people treating her normally. He goes on to show her some of the other basics of physical therapy and dealing with being blind; and Tandy seems to handle each of them beautifully.
Back at Brigid’s (better known as Mayhem) apartment, Rebecca “Rusty” Nales steps inside and discovers the lights are off; but hears Brigid’s voice to not turn on the lights and not come any closer. Brigid tells Rebecca that she’s always been a good detective; and that she was the only one that kept looking for Brigid when she found out an empty coffin was buried. Brigid makes a comment about ghosts; and Rebecca says that Brigid isn’t a ghost; and turns on the light and finds that Brigid is gone; and all that remains is the jacket she was wearing.
Back to France, at an opposing drug and armory of Rene – they sound the alarm that Ecstasy has been spotted. She teleports inside and begins pulling people into her cloak, but when she releases them, their life and light force has been completely drained. She knocks over several barrels and the entire warehouse goes up in flames and explodes, just as she teleports away, leaving behind a trail of corpses.
Back to Dagger, she visits the grave that her and her uncle, Father Mike, had created when they buried Tyrone’s Cloak (unaware that it has seemingly moved on to Rene). She emits a large light burst and shouts that she loves Tyrone, then collapses on the newly dug grave, and weeps again, that she loves him…