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Real Name: Charles Little Sky
Aliases: Director Little Sky
Identity: Secret
Occupation: Director of A.R.M.O.R.
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen and a member of the Kisani Nation with no criminal record
Place of Birth: Lost Mesa Indian Reservation (near Hartsdale, New Mexico)
Known Relatives: Unnamed Mother, Evan (Younger Brother), Slyvia (Younger Sister)
Group Affiliation: None
First Appearance: Avengers #304 (as Charles Little Sky), Darkhawk #5 (as Portal)
History: Charles Little Sky was told by the tribal Shaman that he was “different” (he was born a mutant). Charles fled the reservation and went to work on Ellis Island as a construction worker. However, the superhuman known as Puma was sent to track him down. This brought Puma in direct conflict with the Avengers, when Charles claimed that Puma was lying and that he, in fact, did not have any super powers and that the tribal elders had simply wanted to prevent him from leaving the reservation.
Puma creates a distraction that forced the Avengers to rescue innocent people from a portion of the construction from collapsing and allowed the time needed for Puma to catch up to Charles. Puma pleads with Charles to come with him and that he and the elders of the tribe mean to do what’s right; but Charles refuses to listen. This is the first time that Charles’ mutant power manifests itself – opening a large portal behind him where – at first voices are heard – but the source of the voices makes themselves known as the step out of the portal – The villainous team known as The U-FOES.
Puma attempts to save Charles from the U-FOES, but between Vapor and Ironclad, it seems he’s going to fail, as the U-FOES realize that Charles is the one who opened the portal, and he’s the one who can send them back – so he must be killed. It’s not until Thor comes and helps Puma by hitting Ironclad with his hammer, and dispersing Vapor with a gust of wind – that Puma can catch his breath. As Charles regains consciousness, X-Ray is about to kill Charles, when Captain America takes down X-Ray just as Puma takes down Vector. The Avengers explain to Puma that Charles is a mutant; and that there are teams who specialize in training mutants who can help – Charles, however, wants none of that – and opens a dimension that he escapes into. Puma departs, furious at the Avengers.
Charles would next appear, wearing armor similar to the original Darkhawk. He would have several conflicts with Darkhawk – and when questioned, Charles explains that he killed an alien, in self defense, by the name of Kistur (an alien from the Mahari species) that had been wearing the armor.
Portal would eventually fall victim to the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants and brainwashed by Sauron. Sleepwalker, Spider-Man and Darkhawk all came to Portal’s aid and freed him from the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants hold. This was one of the turning points between Portal and Darkhawk becoming friends rather than enemies. Portal would even go on to take over Darkhawk’s responsibilities when Chris Powell fell ill as “Darkhawk 2.0”
Eventually, Charles either gave up or ceased using the armor, and became a leader of A.R.M.O.R. (Alternate Reality Monitoring and Operational Response Agency) which specialized on keeping an eye on extra-dimensional activities on Earth. He would go on to help against the “zombie invasion” which centered in Man-Thing’s swamp at the Nexus Of All Realities. Charles deployed the Midnight Sons to track and kill any of the remaining infected which had not already been dealt with.
Charles would once again don the armor and go after Mystique, when it was revealed that an assassin had triggered the Portal armor to suffocate him and Charles was able to learn it was Mystique. When he opened a portal directly to Mystique, he was able to grab her by the throat, but he was unaware there were others in the room – which allowed Sabretooth and Shogun to get the drop on him and knock him out.
Mystique tells Charles that Mister Sinister is coming for them; and Charles reacts to the news (demanding to be set free to escape – although there’s no documented encounter between Charles and Sinister; stands to reason as a mutant, Charles may have come into contact with Sinister). Mystique tells Charles, if he helps her – she will give him a relic known as the Zhulong, which would allow Charles to go anywhere; so he agrees to help.
It appears that between Siphon and Shogun, Mister Sinister is killed – and Mystique demands that Portal shunts Shogun, Siphon and Daken to the swamp guarded by the Man-Thing – followed X-23, Lady Deathstrike and Sabretooth. He then teleports himself and Mystique to be next to the Nexus of All Realities – where they’re greeted by Man-Thing.
She tells Portal to go and get Siphon, who has now fed on X-23 and the others; and then uses the Zhulong to transfer the healing energy into himself so that he can open a portal to the exact Multiversal Coordinates provided by Mysitque; as her plan becomes clear – she wants to bring back the one thing she’s ever loved – Irene Adler – better known as Destiny. However, what she gets is a note from Destiny that Wolverine (Logan) must be saved.
Portal takes his exit and uses his dimension power to leave, turning down the offer to work with Mystique.
Height: 5’8″ (5’11” in armor)
Weight: 165 lbs (190 lbs in armor)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Powers: Charles is a mutant who is able to open rifts in space, passing through extra-dimensional warps to transport himself and others. He also has the ability to pin point and find dimensions he’s traveled to previously. There is no record limit to the distance Charles can travel through these portals he creates, however, if he loses consciousness, the portals will automatically close. He can also hone to a specific person who might be in a portal he’s been in before.
Some notable dimensions he’s known to have gone to:
- The Astra Dimension – where he first encountered the alien, Kistur for which he got the Portal armor
- The Dark Dimension – Home of the Mindless Ones (he’d banished Spider-Man there while under the control of Sauron)
- The Marvel Zombie Dimension (near the Nexus of All Realities)
- The Mindscape – Home of Sleepwalker’s Dimension
- Null Space – Home to dargin Bokk’s Darkhawk vessel
Weapons: Portal is armed with a wide variety of weapons: an energy gun that shoots “energy harpoons”, a disc he’s thrown, among many others – undoubtedly collected as he’s traveled through various dimensions.