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(Note: This issue is a part of the Inferno cross over)
The issue opens up with a scene of chaos, with Power Pack trying to fight against the Horde of demons from Limbo who have invaded the world during the Inferno event; where even innocent people seem to be changed by the influence of evil throughout the city. When all seems lost, a hole opens in the sky and begins sucking the demons into it.
When the Power Pack kids return home, their parents are unusually happy to see them – smiling wildly and not even blinking. The next more is pretty much the same thing; so there’s something unusual in their behavior. James begin asking how they got their powers, which results in Margaret leaving the room. James comes to the room and comforts her; and the Power Pack kids leave them alone to sort it out, but Julie immediately notes that there’s something wrong with how they’re acting.
Power Pack finds residual demon behavior in several inanimate objects such as cars and trains, behaving as if they were alive and evil. Power Pack helps getting several people to the hospital where they meet up with the New Mutants again. They help rebuild the hospital and gather much needed supplies. When Power Pack returns home, their mother is catatonic holding a doll, singing lullabies to it; while their father is sitting, just talking to the darkness.
Mirage, Gossymar, and Sunspot arrive and explain that the children that James and Margaret saw were not their real children; and that their real children do not have powers. Power Pack is stunned when an Alex, Julie, Jack and Katie run in and embrace their parents. Realizing that Mirage must be behind this, they agree and explain that they were agents placed to protect the children and them; and apologize for impersonating their children. Gossymar convinces the parents that they’re tired, and Mirage makes the mirage of the children vanish so that the Power Pack children can take their rightful place, and their identity remains a secret once again.