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The issue begins with Power Pack floating in the air and Jack complaining that he can’t eat while the others do, because he has to stay in cloud form to hide the rest of them from the potential arrival from the Snarks.
Elsewhere the Snarks locate the disabled ship, Friday, and while scanning it, one of the Snarks notes that the mind probe on James Power has damaged some of his memory.
Power Pack in the meantime, decides to return home, unaware that the Snarks are still monitoring the house, hiding. They find their home completely disheveled, but do not get to think about it long before the Snarks make their presence known. They make a plan to attack the Snarks, but those plans begin to immediately go horribly wrong, resulting in the capture of Alex, Katie and Julie. The Snarks dump their trash before jumping to space, which allows Jack to squeeze into the ship in cloud form.
While on the Snark ship, Jack discovers one of his new abilities; in shrinking down and reducing his own height. He uses this to remain hidden from the Snarks; and when he fights one in his reduced form, he discovers that his mass density increases, allowing him to hit harder. He manages to rescue his siblings, and together they seek out their parents to rescue them.