Namorita #1

Note: This issue was available to the Dade County Public Schools by the Metro-Dade Police, in association with the Arise Foundation.

The issue begins with Namorita confronting some drug dealers as she takes a break from her time at the Florida International University, which she’d been attending for some Summer classes.

Namorita plows through the armed men, and someone, by the name of Hal, observes it all and quickly exits heading back for their classes before Namorita spots them.

When the police thank Namorita for her involvement, she explains that the young man whom she introduces as Charles, who is a member of the Enviro-Mentors, had spotted the drug dealers and called Namorita to take care of them; so without his involvement this would have continued to happen.

A short time later, Namorita returns to her class with Professor Hogner, who is teaching about environmental conscious; and the dangers of toxic release. During lunch, one of the members of the Enviro-Mentors, named Christina, tells Namorita that she only eats foods that are high in fiber and low on fat to help with the environment. A man who is smoking invites Namorita and Christina to a party that’s happening later at night; but Christina shuts him down explaining that members of the Enviro-Mentors don’t go to parties where there’s drinking and smoking.

When Christina goes home, she tells her younger sister, Ileana, she’s proud of her time management skills and how Enviro-Cops set a good example by recycling and knowing that everything they see on TV isn’t true.

The following day at school, Christina sees her friend Hal purchasing what appears to be drugs from one of the drug dealers. Christina tells Namorita about it, and Namorita suggests going to the police; but Christina instead decides to talk to Hal and give him a chance to change his ways. Hal, however, doesn’t take it well and lashes out at her, striking her with the butt of a gun. As he flees, he regrets striking her and doesn’t understand how he lost his cool so quickly.

Hal runs to what he calls “the big man” – and it happens to be none other than Hydro Man. Hal tells him that he’s gone too far and that he is quitting; but Hydro Man won’t have it and tells his men to kill Hal. Fortunately, Namorita bursts through the wall and (appears to be bullet proof) and deflects the bullets away! At the same time, the police arrive and a gun fight breaks out. Namorita goes after Hydro Man and is able to take him down as the police capture the others. Hal is among those arrested, and Christina apologizes; but Hal assures her he is not upset, she had made him see he was on the wrong path and she saved his life.