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The issue begins with WorldMind recruiting more human Nova Corps, including (but not limited to!); Tre Owens, a Metro Police Department Officer; Guy Dimond, a fire fighter in Pairs; Matu Makalani, a ranger in Kenya; Suki Yumiko a cashier on Tokyo; Linda Nolan, a life guard in Sydney; among thousands of others. As they float through space, still breathing, Worldmind informs them not to worry and that endorphins are being introduced into their bodies to counteract any anxiety.
Robbie is there to great the newest batch of human Nova Centurions as they enter Nu-Xandar.
The scene shifts and we see Richard in the car with his father, headed for Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S. Richard heads inside and explains to Doctor Necker, Quasar, and Director Gruenwald. Richard also discusses how Worldmind may be manipulating the minds of the humans he has selected for the Nova Centurions. Director Gruenwald explains that they have a thirty zetawatt isolation chamber in the fourth level that should be able to generate a field strong enough to screen out anything. Richard turns to Doctor Necker, realizing which Nova Centurion would be the easiest to lure to the chamber below.
Robbie and Irani show up in the lower chamber, where Doctor Necker triggers the shield to isolate them within. Richard appears and informs Robbie that Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S. has done extensive tests and concluded that Richard has not suffered any form of mental damage from carrying the Nova Force, as Worldmind had claimed. Richard also confirms that now that they’re within the isolation chamber, neither Irani nor Robbie can hear the soft whisper of Worldmind, delivering subliminal messages. They reason that because of the bond that Richard had shared with Worldmind, it had managed to develop a way to control humans which is why it chose Earth for the majority of the Nova Centurion recruitment.
Just them the chamber explodes and several of the other Nova Centurions arrive and put a stop to the meeting. With the chamber compromised, Worldmind manages to seize control of Robbie and Irani once more and they fly off to look into the Kree/Shi’ar tension that has escalated, as well as the Inhumans/Skrull tensions.
The scene shifts again and Doctor Necker approaches Richard and continues to explain that though his mind showed no signs of damage from housing the full power of the Nova Force, she does regrettably inform him that his body did indeed suffer damage and is breaking down and that he had roughly forty-eight hours to live.