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The issue begins with Franklin dreaming about fighting his father (Reed Richards, of the Fantastic Four) who is a large dinosaur (and he uses Jack’s former gravity powers to defeat him). Franklin wakes up and wishes he was more like Jack and had “real powers.”
The scene shifts to the Power household where the Power kids are each using their powers in the house, trying to learn their new powers. (The Power Pack kids had their powers switched again in Power Pack #52). Their parents arrive at home and Jack is told that he can hang out with Franklin at the dinosaur museum.
Jack and Franklin run around the museum, get food, purchase some dinosaur toys and hang out, when Franklin talks about wishing he had real powers and siblings too. Not far away, the man known as the Mad Thinker works on several dinosaur displays, recalling his previous failures at the hands of the Fantastic Four. That’s when the dinosaur displays behind to go wild and attack every day citizens in the museum; being controlled by the Mad Thinker. Jack reacts but is knocked out when a dinosaur robot falls on him. Franklin sees Mad Thinker controlling it from a panel room and rushes up there; but is knocked unconscious. He immediately uses his Dream Walk state to observe Mad Thinker and uses the controls to free Jack from being pinned. He then uses the controls to have one of the dinosaur robots attack Mad Thinker and hold him until the police arrive. In the car, Jack explains that Franklin was the hero who saved him, and the others, and captured the Mad Thinker all on his own.