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Real Name: Jack Power
Aliases: Counterweight, Energizer, Destroyer
Identity: Secret
Occupation: Student
Citizenship: United States Citizen with no criminal record, still a minor.
Place of Birth: Richmond, Virginia
Known Relatives: James (father), Margaret (mother), Alex (brother), Julie (sister), Katie (sister), Roy Craig (grandfather), Opal (Aunt)
Group Affiliation: Power Pack
First Appearance: Power Pack #1 (Mass Master), Power Pack #32 (as Counterweight), Power Pack #55 (as Destroyer)
History: The Powers children (Alex, Julie, Jack and Katie) all received their powers from Aelfyre Whitemane, a dying Kymellian noble, who bestowed power to them to help saved their world.

Jack gained the ability to turn his body into a cloud-like form that allowed him to expand his body mass (able to create large clouds), as well as squeeze in smaller spaces (such as allowing his cloud-form to pass through a small keyhole). Jack also developed the ability in this form to condense his body, and reduce his body’s size to nearly an inch, but still have the same strength and mass as his normal body.

The Kymellian’s ship, a smartship named Friday, also provided costumes for the team; created from unstable molecules (similar to that developed by Reed Richards), the costumes exist – according to Friday – in an area known as “Elsewhere” – and can be summoned to appear by using the command word (“Costumes on”). 

As a member of Power Pack, Jack and his siblings, often found themselves battling an alien species known as Snarks who believed in the “survival of the fittest – by any means possible.” This included one of the female Snarks by the name of Maraud trying to siphon the powers of Power Pack into her own son, Jakal to become the rightful ruler of the Snarks and lead them to a war they could not lose. However, Jakal lose control of the power – and when the powers returned – they’d not returned to the original members of Power Pack in the same manner – Jack had gained his brother’s power – the ability to control gravity; Julie, who original could move at incredible speeds with a rainbow trail suddenly had gained Alex’s power; Katie, who once could absorb things and emit energy balls suddenly had Julie’s power; and Alex had suddenly had Katie’s power. 

Their powers would switch again, once again, thanks to battling Maraud later – when Julie suddenly regained her original powers; Alex gained Jack’s powers to turn to clouds; Jack gained Katie’s powers to absorb and emit energy balls; and Katie gained Alex’s original powers of controlling gravity. Their powers would switch one more time, returning to each of their original powers (Julie with the speed and rainbow; Katie with the absorbing and energy balls; Alex with the gravity; and Jack with the clouds).

Jack, along with the rest of Power Pack, would eventually meet another Kymellian named Kofi and have several adventures with him, including battling the Brood on multiple occasions as well as meeting a Snark named Princess Djinna, who was also young but not war-bound like the majority of her race. She and her mother, Djenteel, strived for peace and worked with Emperor Bhadsha to make that peace a reality.

Height: 4’5″
Weight: 66 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown

Powers: As Mass Master, Jack has the ability to control the density of the molecules of his body, most commonly spreading his molecules into a dense, cloud-like form, or reduce the space between them until he is a small, highly resistant size. He eventually gained enough control of this power that he could materialize a portion, or his body, such a his upper body while his lower half is in cloud form. In time, he learned he could condense portions of his body to act as “shields” or “force fields.” He even gained the ability to shrink himself and still maintain his original strength and weight.