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The issue begins with the Power Pack kids getting ready for school. Julie goes down and gives Dragon Man a blanket in their basement, and he sneezes, apparently having somehow caught a cold – despite having been built, and not an actual living organism.
The news comes on, speaking of the abduction of Professor Gilbert; which Alex and Jack think about going to try and find so that they can find the gang that Cloak and Dagger spoke of; while Julie and Katie speak together of trying to find Professor Gilbert so that they can rescue him.
A little later at school, several kids playing soccer knock the ball into Alex’s hands, who accidentally releases it so that it rolls under a truck and gets covered in oil. The school kids scoff at Alex, but another girl, also new to the school and in the seventh grade, named Alison McCourt introduces herself to Alex. Elsewhere, Jack is wowing new friends, by talking about how he had seen Spider-Man, and Julie befriends a set of twins, who claim to have three brothers, who are also in fifth grade. Katie is dropped off to her new kindergarten class.
The scene shifts to Cloak and Dagger having tracked down one of the gang members who has information on Dragon Man and Professor Gilbert. They drop down on him and pull the man into Cloak’s shadows, and eject him, leaving him trembling with fear, and explaining that the last he heard some powered young children fought the gang and took Dragon Man.
After school, back at the house, Julie invites Alex and Jack to the tea party she’s going to have with Katie, knowing the boys would never accept. The boys use this as an excuse to go see if they can locate Professor Gilbert, while the girls, unknowingly on the same mission, do the same thing, running down to the basement to take off with Dragon Man.
Elsewhere, Professor Gilbert is forced by Mr. Diangelo to make a sonic controller to control the robotic constructs. Mr. Diangelo goes on to explain that he and his gang were the ones that injected the two teens (Tyrone & Tandy) that would turn them into Cloak & Dagger and that he wanted to create an army to take over the streets – the drugs did not prove successful in others (proving fatal to those injected), so now he would use a robotic army. Professor Gilbert tries to explain that Dragon Man is different than his other robotics – that he’s conscious.
Alex and Jack spot Dragon Man and see Julie and Katie; and suddenly a sonic emission stops Dragon Man, and he and Katie begin to plummet towards the ground. Dragon Man regains consciousness, but not before Katie falls off and Julie slams into Dragon Man. He catches Julie and flies off, leaving Katie to be caught by Alex. Power Pack follows Dragon Man and Julie and begin to develop a plan when suddenly Cloak & Dagger arrive. They make a move to liberate everyone – but Diangelo uses the sonic control to keep control of Dragon Man and threatens to use it to rend Julia apart.