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Return to issue listing of Cloak & Dagger – Volume 3.

Note: This issue is a part of the Acts of Vengeance cross over event.
The issue begins with the Jester telling Cloak that he would like Cloak and Dagger to be a part of his villain team that he’s forming to take on the Avengers. Jester explains he worked with Doctor Doom who allowed him to use the Eternal’s Cosmc Powered Hulk-Robot (last seen in The Incredible Hulk #350). He then recruited Hydro-Man and the Fenris Twins. He attempted to recruit the Leader, but he had other matters to attend to – so he sent a villain by the name of Rock, in his place.
The scene switches to a public forum where the Avengers are moderating and handling Q&A from every day citizens about the Superhuman Registration Act. While some call super heroes a menace, one woman stands and says had it not been for The Thing, from the Fantastic Four, her baby would be dead. (She’s referring to the events in Fantastic Four vs The X-Men #3). Turns out that some of the people at the forum are villains posed as citizens; and soon a fight breaks out.
The one known as Rock pounds on Thor; but it’s not enough to keep the God of Thunder down for long. Iron Man fights the Fenris Twins until Hydro-Man side swipes Iron Man and takes him by surprise. The Robotic Hulk fights She-Hulk, and defeats her by emitting some form of anesthetic gas that renders her unconscious. Meanwhile, Cloak and Dagger, who had played along to join Jester’s villain gang, were busy rescuing the citizens at the forum, to allow them a way to escape.
At the Midtown Hospital, Father Mike visits Francis Delgado in the hospital, as he recovers from a gunshot wound from Disciplinarian. Delgado confesses to Father Mike that he believes he is being punished for giving into temptation and surrendering to his lustful needs when Ecstasy kissed him; and professes that the Lord (though he means Mr. Jip in this case) had sent Disciplinarian to punish him. As Father Mike leaves he passes a door that states Longshot and Psylocke, of the X-Men are deceased, while Colossus, Dazzler, Havok, Rogue, Storm and Wolverine were in the room next door.
Back at the forum, Iron Man creates a backlash of energy that stuns Hydro-Man back to his normal form. Thor manages to fight Rock and knock him down; while She-Hulk recovers and continues to fight the mechanical Hulk.
The issue briefly skips to show a man walking who is ambushed from behind and found with the words “Child Molester” carved into his forehead.
Back at the public forum, the Avengers continue to fight Jester’s team; with Captain America using his shield to help keep the Fenris Twins from touching hands, as Iron Man fights Hydro-Man and Thor takes on the Rock. Cloak and Dagger help the heroes turn the tide of the battle; and Jester and his crew (save for Cloak & Dagger) are defeated.