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The issue begins with Cloak arriving at the circus in France, where he sees Bill Clayton (the stowaway from the ship – see previous issues) admiring Dagger, who is performing in the center of the circus with her light show. Bill Clayton explains how the ringleader noticed Dagger when she came in and how her eyes had lit up; and one thing led to another, and she ended up doing a light show. After the show, Dagger sees Cloak and looks guilty when she asks if he had caught the show. Cloak responds, saying that if she’s done squandering her powers, they should resume their mission; and this naturally upsets Dagger. Bill Clayton smiles and warns Cloak that if he’s not careful, he’s going to drive her into his arms. Cloak immediately teleports away to stand in front of Dagger and apologizes to her.
They have a heart to heart, where Dagger admits she’s only 17 years old and would like to experience a normal life. Cloak says he understands, and that perhaps she could stay with the Circus, and they can use it as a cover as they track the smugglers. He then promises that once that’s done they can return back to the United States and give up their mission. Beneath Cloak’s shadows he smiles wickedly, as Bill Clayton looks on, cursing that Tandy (Dagger) has fallen for Cloak’s promise.
Back at the Holy Ghost Church, Mayhem arrives just in time to hear Father Francis pray, through an exorcism, that he can free his darling, dear Dagger. Mayhem realizes that Father Francis may be a man of God, but he’s also a man whose succumb to desire. Mayhem slams him against the wall and curses him for betraying Cloak and Dagger’s trust, and ensures him that Cloak loves Dagger and would never harm her.
Back at the Circus, Cloak suddenly feels as if someone were pulling at his soul. Dagger wakes up and notes that they’re moving; and in the mobile transport, Bill Clayton is driving the circus van and explains that they’re headed for Germany. When the circus sets up, Bill Clayton talks to someone and discovers that the shipment they’re looking for is headed for Turkey next. After the show, several gunmen go after Bill – and attempt to gun him down, as well as Cloak and Dagger. The members of the circus come and help against the gunmen; but one of them sneaks behind Dagger and draws his gun and loads it, which Bill Clayton hears; but it’s the horse that Dagger is on that’s gunned down – and that sets her off. She fills the men with her light, so that they see all that they could have ever been, but failed to be, drowning them in the sorrow of their failures.