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The issue opens up with a big, burly man, who looks like the cross of a human and a gorilla, calling himself The Garbage Man, swatting Razor Cut away. The rest of the Trash team attacks Garbage Man, but he easily defeats them. They demand to be paid, but he explains that they were hired to protect the warehouse and failed. He tells Crazy Legs that the drugs they take is the payment they will get; and Crazy Legs explains he doesn’t take the drugs; and that it’s for his mother, otherwise she gets sick. He fires them and throws them out of his place. He then comes out and says they have another chance to prove themselves and gives them a bag of Cocaine; and says to deliver it successfully – and that they will work for him until his debt with his client is paid off.
Trash (Crazy Legs, Brute, Airhead, Blasting Cap and Razor Cut) discuss possibly running away; but know that the Garbage Man will come looking for them.
At the Power’s house, the kids eat breakfast and excuse themselves to head to swimming lessons. This leaves their parents to spend some time “wrestling.”
The Power Pack kids head to the Crack House that burned down and see a drug dealer, dealing to some young children, when suddenly Johnny Rival shows up and tells the kids to leave. The dealer begins arguing with Johnny. Alex lands on the ground and runs over to defend Johnny, but Johnny elbows Alex in the throat, reminding him that he had said for Alex to get lost. Johnny leaves, and the dealer gives Alex a vial of Crack to thank him for getting rid of his competition (Raphael). Alex quickly incinerates it once the dealer has walked off. The Power Pack kids take to the sky again and see Razor Cut, Blasting Cap and Brute walking down the street; unaware that Airhead was carrying Crazy Legs, and spotted Power Pack. Heading for the ground, Crazy Legs tells the rest of Trash and they lead Power Pack to Garbage Man’s place; thinking he’d be pleased to get revenge on the ones who destroyed the Crack House.
An all out fight breaks out. Garbage Man slams Alex against the wall; while Julie uses the “Jack Hammer” trick on Razor Cut, which shreds her legs; allowing Airhead to strike Julie from behind with a board. Katie, flying at high speeds to avoid Crazy Legs, slams into Brute’s back. Jack manages to knock Garbage Man down on the ground with his gravity punch; but Garbage Man slams the ground and knocks out Jack. He preps a few needles and explains that Trash will need to inject the kids with a lethal overdose then drop their bodies off at the burnt out Crack House. When none of them can do it, Garbage Man forces Blasting Cap to inject Julie; but he can’t and blows up the needle. Garbage Man then decides he will just crush Katie’s head with his massive foot and weight; but Brute runs over and shields Katie’s body. Razor Cut frees Jack, while Airhead attempts to help Alex who refuses her help, calling her a “Drug Runner.” Alex and Jack check on Julie who is still bleeding out from her wound from when she had attacked Razor Cut.
Trash and Power Pack team up against Garbage Man, and knock him down a hole; but he climbs out of it, and Blasting Cap loses it and causes the entire place to explode; allowing everyone to barely escape – though Garbage Man’s fate – is unknown. There is a social debate about entitlement of white people, according to Crazy Legs, who claims they don’t know anything about those who aren’t born with privileged. In the end, both teams walk away from one another.