New Warriors #11

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Days of Present Past: Forever Yesterday, Part One.

Welcome to Earth. But not as you know it. Not as you have seen it. It is a world on the brink of meeting its end. Only handful of heroes stand to save it from the destructive path in which the Earth is headed.

Forever Yesterday, part 1.

The story begins with Vance, Angel and Sam (Cannonball) scouting through a broken city. That is, until they come face to face with the Avengers – but not the Avengers that so many know. These Avengers worked for the United States of Assyria. This team consists of Horace (a version to represent Thor), Iron Man, Storm, Captain, Monica and none other than Nova.

A battle begins, where Storm quickly grounds Cannonball with a gust of wind. Just as Horace is about to deliver the killing blow to the helpless Cannonball, Wolverine appears and saves Cannonball and the others… at the price of his own life, when he gets caught in a powerful blast by Horace, leaving behind only his adamantium skeleton.

Cannonball, Firestar and Vance all quickly escape into their hideout. Nova is sent to find them, and flies by – spotting them, but when he returns he explains that they all had managed to escape. Nova begins to question himself – as to why he would risk everything for a bunch of mutants he doesn’t even know… and that is where the quest for the truth begins…

When Richard Rider, better known as Nova, returns home, he shares his feelings with his family… and that is when a ghostly figure named Sayge comes around the corner and tells Nova that he can indeed change the world for the better…

Meanwhile, Vance, Angel and Sam all return to the stronghold and give Magnus – better known as Magneto – the plans. The plans show a way to perhaps get around Mutant Detection, and thus enable them to take their rebellion to the heart of Maqaman Island, where it all began.

Back to Nova, Sayge removes his hood and casts a blinding light over Nova that sends him spiraling into the past – to see the Truth as it would be…

It all began thousands of years ago when a Hebrew Leader, by the name of Moses confront the Pharaoh and demanded his people be set free. He threw his staff to the ground and turned it into a snake. Pharaoh did the same – however, his was a cobra and quickly proved superior to Moses’ own snake… and so it proved that Pharaoh magic was stronger than Hebrew magic… and in that moment, Moses found a spear ran through his back, and slowly died…

So pleased was the Pharaoh by the Pharaoh wizrard’s magic that he became his confidant and was involved in the growth of the empire in every way. During a time where they were building a sandstone freeway between Cairo and Memphis, they found themselves in a sirocco… when the winds finally died, it revealed the legendary and fabled, Temple of Ka.

A mere peasant, serving woman had been the sole survivor of the sirocco. She slowly entered the Temple of Ka and found the Ka Stone – the gem of power and passion. She took the stone and returned back to Cairo where she gave it to the wizard.

Upon placing it upon his head, the wizard was turned into The Sphinx – a being with the ability to alter reality to his every whim. He took the woman who found the stone as his wife and granted her the gift of immortality.

Together they helped serve several Pharaoh’s for many centuries. This is when they discovered ‘The New World’ and named it the United States of Assyria. Decades later, a civil war broke out in the United States of Assyria, which abolished the enslavement of the Caucasian race.

Shortly later, the First Great War broke out. Cairo turned to the Sphinx and his wife. The events weighed heavily on Sphinx. He had considered ending the war through a show of force on his part, but chose not to. As a result the world order became fragile. Sphinx and his wife quickly moved to the United States of Assyria to show that the world was still coming together.

Afterwards, the Sphinx had found continuing his life uninteresting… and he had had enough. He gave her pet cat the gift of immortality so that she could always remember his love for her as she held the gentle creature. Then he took the stone and place it – with all its power – all its burden – on her brow… and he fell to the ground, nothing more than a skeleton… and a new Sphinx ruled the land…

As time moved on, there were those that were gifted with powers of their own – whether by mistake or born with them (mutants), the number of people who gathered against the Sphinx and all her power, were quickly beginning to grow.

It then shifts to Reed Richards, and we learn that he is the “mole” that the Rebellion has…

More importantly… Lady Sphinx stands tall… determined… now ready to strike out at those that would oppose her…