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This issue opens up with what appears to be James Power now with powers (super strength, at the very least) as he punches Red Ghost and knocks him back. Red Ghost’s Super Apes respond in kind and attack as Alex, in cloud form, watches helplessly. But his father seemed extremely agile and able to dodge every throw that’s aimed at him, even shrugging off super powered attacks.
Alex in the meantime hears voices and concentrates per their instructions and turns solid once more; still in his Kymellian form.
Red Ghost blasts James Power, and it’s revealed that it’s not James Power at all, but the Elan alien who had used a holographic image to impersonate a super powered James Power. By this time, however, Power Pack and Reed and Sue have recovered, so Red Ghost, still in possession of Friday’s chip makes good of his escape with his Super Apes. But Power Pack gives pursuit – so Red Ghost threatens to kill their mother – but Franklin reveals it’s an illusion. James Power shows up and knocks Red Ghost out with a punch. Raymond says it’s time for him to leave when Franklin mentions that he’s reminded of his Uncle Johnny. Raymond departs, thanking them all, but noting he has other responsibilities to take care of. (There is a foot note that says: We’ll see Raymond again in the future. Of that you can rest assured!).
Reed reveals thanks to the tampering of Red Ghost, that he’s no longer able to reverse Alex’s condition, but promises to keep working on it.
James says that he can’t risk the conditions on which Reed said he could cure his wife, Margaret, and has decided they’re all going to New Kymellia to speak with Lord Yrik who did this, to see if he’s found a way to reverse it. Alex finds Allison and discovers that she’s moved on and silently bids her farewell.
With that, the entire Power family heads into space, with Friday, yet again, being restored.