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This issue opens with the aliens who had found Katie discussing whether she’s alive or dead; when suddenly the Snarks appear, looking for Katie. They open fire at the aliens, calling them “Burrowers.” The Burrowers quickly grab Katie and drag her into one of their tunnels.
Katie, still semi-unconscious, thinks back how she ended up falling through the floor. The Burrowers come across the Kymellian, Yrik (Kofi’s father), who had also managed to escape. However, the machine had stolen Yrik’s ability to heal. Yrik explains to Katie that she must learn to heal herself.
Above them, Julie, Alex and Jack attempt to taunt and trick Jakal into attacking them and breaking the crystals which they’ve been imprisoned in; but with his mother there, he’s kept in control.
Back on Earth, James Power continues searching for his children around the sled hill they were last reported to be seen at. However, muggers see him and threaten him; and while he puts up a good fight, he’s out numbered and struck with the end of a gun. Cloak, of Cloak and Dagger shows up, and pulls the muggers into his cloak of darkness, and releases them; leaving them on the floor consumed with the fear they’re overcome by in the Darkforce dimension of Cloak’s shadows. Cloak offers to help James Power locate his children.
Still on Earth, the Smartship Friday arrives at Avengers Mansion and picks up Franklin, who leaves a drawing for Jarvis to explain where he’s gone.
Switching back to Snarkworld, Katie tells Yrik that she wants to die because Jakal is right, she’s a monster. Yrik calls her a coward and that he thought that the powers were bestowed on worthy heroes. Katie finally agrees that she was told to use her powers to save Earth – and any planet – including one full of Snarks.
Not far above them, Kofi is fleeing from Snarks and manages to take some by surprise and steal their weapons; but the sheer numbers continues to force him to flee and ends up in a underground cavern with a lava floor where crystallized bubbles rise up and explode on the roof.
In space, just above Snarkworld – the Smartship Friday arrives with Franklin; and the Smartship tells Franklin to use his power to “dream step” and find Kofi; which he manages to do and tells Kofi to teleport straight up as high as he can (ideally, in space) – and that the Smartship Friday is ready to catch/get him.
Back on Snarkworld, Yrik continues to yell at Katie about needing to heal herself. The Burrowers get to a tunnel where they – and Katie – can fit through, but Yrik would be too big. He tells them to escape with Katie, and that he will remain behind, because he’s too large and has no power. But Katie has another idea…
In space, Kofi manages to teleport inside of the Smartship Friday.
Back down on Snarkworld, the Power children continue to try and break the crystal prisons; but remain unsuccessful.
Elsewhere, at the Emperor’s room, Chancellor Hadj appears, froth and insane, and dispatches the two Snark guards easily before stepping into the Emperor’s Room.
Back at the prison, the Queen begins the transfer process with Alex, Julie and Jack!