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Return to issue listing of Cloak & Dagger – Volume 3.

Note: The issue appears to be Dagger getting her vision restored immediately; but what’s interesting to note is that the color costumes of both Jean Grey and Beast are incorrect (Jean was wearing Red/yellow and Beast was wearing Brown/Yellow; but in the start of this issue, Jean and Beast are both in their original X-Factor colors of Green/Yellow and Blue/Red, respectively. This could be written off as this is how Dagger remembered them when she was still able to see; and while possessed by the shadows, she has no memory of what they were wearing before… so perhaps in her thoughts, Jean and Beast were still wearing the original costumes, unaware that their costumes had changed since Dagger last saw them. Or… it was a coloring mistake. You decide.
The issue begins with what appears to be Dagger getting her vision back; but the truth of it is, she’s at a hospital, only wishing that’s what had happened. The doctors are unable to determine what has caused Dagger’s blindness and tell her stepfather, Phillip, and her uncle, Father Mike, the bad news. Father Mike breaks the news to Cloak who is furious; but then teleports back to the Holy Ghost Church where he surprises Detective Rebecca “Rusty” Nales and asks what she’s doing. She explains that she had come seeking information about Cloak & Dagger and had gotten to talking to Father Mike when he got the call about Dagger.
The scene switches to Detective Rebecca “Rusty” Nales and Cloak speaking in the Holy Ghost Church when suddenly a creature riding a flying cycle, that resembles a humanoid with a basketball sized planet for a head (eyes, nose and smile on it) bursts out from Cloak’s shadows and laughs that it’s made the jump and that the “booty” will be his.
Back at the hospital a nurse brings Tandy (Dagger) some food, and she struggles trying to eat it, but refuses any help.
Back to Cloak and Rebecca, three more creatures emerge from Cloak’s shadows in pursuit of the original one who jumped through.
Back to the hospital, the Doctor tells Father Mike Bowen, that Tandy should begin physical therapy immediately to be able to understand and cope with the permanent loss of her sight.
A jump over to Four Freedom’s Plaza, we see Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic) of the Fantastic Four, along with his wife Sue (Invisible Woman) and their son, Franklin (Tattletale) together. Reed is working on something, while Franklin pieces several scraps together from his father’s experiments. Sue takes Franklin to bed, and unnoticed to them all, the first planet-humanoid zips down and takes what Franklin was making; and attempts to escape but is confronted by the other three planet-humanoids that had chased him from Cloak’s shadows.
At the hospital, Mayhem pays Tandy a visit when the room is empty and the two briefly talk, before Mayhem leaves again.
Back to the original planet-humanoid returns to the Holy Ghost Church, with the other three in hot pursuit. It tries to re-enter Cloak’s shadows; but Cloak is better guarded and prevents it. The other three finally catch up and capture the original, and fly off. Francis Delgado is there suddenly and speaks to Cloak, asking about Dagger, and Cloak scoffs at him saying that she’s not there – she’s with Father Mike and her stepfather, Phillip. Delgado leaves and returns to a van outside where Mr. Jip is waiting; and Night is driving the van; and they depart.
On a spaceship orbiting Earth, the humanoid-planets decide to send down a large human-like being down to Nepal, where he abducts a drunken man coming out of a bar, and returns to the ship.
Cloak decides to visit Dagger in the hospital, and she seems to have the covers pulled over her head. When Cloak pulls the cover down, it’s the same humanoid who abducted the drunk man in Nepal. He reaches inside of Cloak’s shadows, but Cloak refuses to let him step through; and the two are whisked away to the space ship orbiting the Earth. As it turns out, Dagger was brought home with her stepfather, Phillip, in the same apartment complex that the Power family (Power Pack) lives in.
Back aboard the spaceship, the formerly drunk human explains to Cloak, that as far as he can tell these unusual creatures plan on using something inside of Cloak to possibly destroy the Earth.