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The issue begins with the Power children watching television, when the news comes on to talk about Rebecca Littlehale (see Power Pack #37) on the news wanting to thank Power Pack.
The phone rings and this time Julie answers it; and it’s the same person who called previously (see Power Pack #37) saying they know that they had been the ones that helped save Rebecca Littlehale and to stay away from her – or else.
Later, outside the Power kids are walking to school when Alex spots Allison and runs up to her and offers to carry her books. Other students are talking about having seen Rebecca on the news; and how she didn’t look like a monster; but another student countered that there were some monster mutants out there, and that one had touched a student named Pat, who was still sick (see Power Pack #35).
After school, the Power kids go pull Alex away from Allison, saying they had a dentist appointment to go to. Power Pack goes to check on Rebecca and finds people protesting with Anti-Mutant propaganda, while others shout Pro Mutant Rights. One of the newscasters purposely strikes Rebecca, knocking off her sunglasses. The next thing that happens that Rebecca’s home explodes due to someone fire bombing it. Rebecca’s dog, Skippy is still inside the burning house; and rushes towards the burning house. In the chaos, Power Pack helps where they can, while chaos erupts between Anti and Pro Mutant protestors. Alex and Julie find Skippy and get him out of the house and reunite him with Rebecca.
In the sky a strobe light forces Rebecca to teleport away (this time with her dog), where she’s captured by someone flying in a suit; the figure reveals to Rebecca he works for an organization called The Right, which would like to experiment on Rebecca. Power Pack gives pursuit and believes that – based on his exchange with Power Pack – that it might be Carmody – the original Bogey Man. The man flies high enough where the air is too thin for Power Pack to follow.
When Power Pack arrives home, an envelope slides under the door for their parents; they check it and find photos of them as Power Pack. Alex manages to destroy most of them, but misses one where Alex and Jack are on the window sill – with the note. Their father scolds them for climbing out the window; but remains unaware that they possess powers.