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There is a note that this issue takes place before the events in New Mutants #37.
The issue opens up with a pet store owner opening fire on a pair of fleeing demons, who appear to be gathering ingredients for a spell. While heading to the local museum to gather mummy’s dust for the spell, the demons discuss how they had been pulled out of the Limbo by the Beyonder (fallout from the events of the Secret Wars II crossover), and that they are going to open a portal to the Limbo, despite Darkchild (better known as Illyana Rasputin, better known as Magik, and also younger sister of the X-Men, Colossus).
After stealing an entire mummy, the demons head for a hospital next, where they can abduct several innocent babies for a part of the ritual spell.
Scene shifts to the Power children who are headed to the hospital (their mother still being in a coma, thanks to the head injury sustained by Kurse during the Secret Wars II crossover event), but talk about how the doctors won’t let them visit their mother in her room because they’re too young. So the Power children use their powers to go to her window and peer in; where they hear the doctor say that if her fever does not break by Midnight, it will greatly impact her health and chances of recovery, for the worse.
However, their arrival is fortunate in that the demons burst out of several windows near them at the hospital, abducting babies. Power Pack jumps into action fighting the demons and rescuing the infants. One of the demons drops a bag and inside it is a Library card belonging to none other than Kitty Pryde – whom they recognize as their friend Shadowcat, of the Uncanny X-Men. (A footnote explains that the details of how these demons got her library card can be found in New Mutants #36). Jack and Julie go to meet their grandfather in the hospital lobby while Alex calls the School for Gifted Children (the home of the X-Men). Katie begins to wander off, despite Alex’s warning, unaware that the demons watch her – and want her – both as a young child and for the power she emits.
When Alex calls he gets a hold of Danielle Moonstar, better known as the New Mutants member, Mirage. Mirage explains that Kitty isn’t there – but the demons that Power Pack fought is the responsibility of the New Mutants and agrees to meet Power Pack.
The scene briefly changes to Jarvis walking with Franklin in the city; where Franklin has a vision of a man dressed as Santa being hit by a cab. Jarvis doesn’t believe him, but Franklin pulls the man from being hit by mere seconds – and when Jarvis asks how he knew, Franklin explains that it happens all the time – and asks that Jarvis not tell his mother.
Switching back over to the New Mutants, we see Cannonball, Wolfsbane and Mirage exiting the house. Mirage calls on her Pegasus, named Brightwind, which she got while the New Mutants were in Asgard (see X-Men Annual #9 for more details on that). When the New Mutants arrive, Mirage sees that Death is coming from Margaret Power (another gift she got while her time on Asgard, again see X-Men Annual #9, where she became a Valkyrie – don’t ask me why they do the things they do sometimes.)
Mirage agrees to try to ward off Death, while the rest of the Cannonball and Wolfsbane and the rest of Power Pack try to stop the Limbo demons from pulling Manhattan into the Limbo dimension. Power Pack, along with Cannonball and Wolfsbane are able to track Katie down where the sacrifice and spell is being done.
While Mirage fights the Death Angel, things begin to grow dim when the lights and back up generators fail in the hospital due to the demon spell nearly being completed. Cannonball realizes things are about to go very south, so he begins blasting through everything and breaks the spell, but in the process knocks Katie off the edge of the tower. Julie manages to catch Katie; and Mirage manages to defeat the Death Angel.
Power Pack returns to the hospital with Mirage, Wolfsbane and Cannonball and spy from the window to hear that while their mother has not woken up, she is showing signs of improvement.